confused little help with winstrol,,military please help!


New member
well let me tell u my story.... im currently about to join the air force but i have to meet their weight requirements before they even allow me to take the asvab...i did a cycle once befoe it was sustanon ,pct was done everything is fine only problem is now i weigh 220 solid i cycled a year ago bf isnt high at all! according to the recruiter i have to be under 191 thats 30 fuching pounds theirs no way im not fat.....i was wondering if i could run a Winstrol (winny) clen cycle i really dont wanna use test but i will if i really have to i will run prop i really dont want to though... i see alot of guys getting flamed when they talk about Winstrol (winny) only cycles i wanted to see what u guys thought...of course clomid and nolva are on hand milk thistle fish oil etc....i know my shit...though i hear Winstrol (winny) isnt suppressive but then some say it fucks up ur lipids idk help me out guys i NEED to join air force diet alone isnt gonna get me their im not fat at all
They have a weight requirement to get in? Im in, and the only thing they do is measure our waist. We have to be below 39in
yea and from the sound of the recruiter their very strict on that weight thing the guy wont even let me take the asvab until then even though i can pass that physical test with ease
I dont advise oral only cycles. If you can afford it, hit up 3j on here and he'll set you up with the right diet and training for you to reach your goals
dam but 30 pounds is not easy bro im up for the challenge dont get me wrong but damn thats alot of weight i mean just thinking about it crap
well i just pm him lets c.... so what do u think about the winstrol and clen combo? just asking im not gonna do anything until i get a reply from 3j just seeing what u experts have to say...opinions from different ppl help
also if anyone seeing this post has ran an oral only cycle plz tell me how it went i see alot of guys getting flammed when they post Winstrol (winny) only cycles! id like to hear some ppl who have actually done them...again not gonna do any thing until i get some expert advice im new to posting in this community but not new to the site ive never had to post the search button always gave me my answers! just looking for advice this recruiter really brought me down today i came out of that office feeling like shit