Congratulations Needsize!

Thanks everyone, I am so excited about his arrival!!!
Its funny how it puts everything into perspective too, I still plan on pursuing my bodybuilding goals same as I always have, but the obsession has never been this mild. I havent been to the gym in 1.5 weeks (longest break in 5 years), and I'm not buggin about it... I will get my ass in there as soon as we get back from the hospital.

Anyone familiar with the Evil Dead movies should recognize his name. In the last one, Armies of Darkness, after he gets back from battling demons in the middle ages, it shows him working at wallmart again, and as the camera pans around, he says "The name's Ash, housewares"...
needsize said:

Anyone familiar with the Evil Dead movies should recognize his name. In the last one, Armies of Darkness, after he gets back from battling demons in the middle ages, it shows him working at wallmart again, and as the camera pans around, he says "The name's Ash, housewares"...

Shop S-Mart... LOL, thats the frist thing I thought of when I saw the name. Good choice.
lol Ingram with his feet on the ground and eyes on the goal :p

congratumulations NS, although i remember saying congrats somewhere already.....
Thanks everyone. I've been out of the gym for 2 weeks now and have dropped 10lbs, but it just doesnt seem as important as it normally would. My wife and the baby will be home tomorrow so I can get back to training then
heres a close up, my wife wont let me post any pics with her in them...apparently having a baby is traumatic or something...