Consequences of crashing you're estrogen..

Can't get out of bed. Joints ache. Fatigue. ED. Mental focus. Weakness. Osteoporosis. Broken bones. Etc.

Low E2 is worse than high E2.
Can't get out of bed. Joints ache. Fatigue. ED. Mental focus. Weakness. Osteoporosis. Broken bones. Etc.

Low E2 is worse than high E2.

I dont know if it is worse but is equally as bad and as dangerous for sure. Nice example of listing the negative sides of low e2 right here. Good Job Mega.
Thanks guys. Always great to here it from the pros .
I've been doing 0.5mg of Armidex EOD with 500mg of test e a week.
I seem to feel great and my nipples are not puffy and my Gyno is not excelling.
Yea man. No doubt. 0.5mg seems to do the trick.
What if I go up to 600mg or 800mg of test a week. Should I keep my Armidex the same? Or gradually go up with my test.
Ive heard of people going with 1mg for 1000mg test. So maybe .75ish could be your sweet spot

I ran 1gm of test a couple years ago and kept it at .5mg. That was pinacle's liquid arimidex tho.

Are you using rui?
Man I got all kinds of bad sides, most of the ones mega mentioned. I'd also get cold chills kind of like my skin crawling and really bad anxiety. I've heard that it can damage your adrenals if it's too low for too long
Already have ran blood work. This is what the doc has prescribed me. I got back in two months for another round of blood work to see if my E-2 is zeroed in perfectly.
.5 eod should not crash your e. Stick with whats working. Smarter not harder right devil!!

It damn near does me! I respond like crazy to Adex.

At .5 eod and 600mg of test a week day 3 I cant hardly move my wrists due to them hurting so bad and morning woods go away. I quit taking adex because I can't get it dialed in properly. Aromison 12.5mg EOD at that test dose and I'm golden.

I did not verify the Adex dose with bloods but the feel is not something I enjoy. The aromison was verified by bloods.
Who are you calling estrogen??

I love to crash, but don't go callin' me no pesky "chick hormone"!

(You're is the contraction for 'you are', and I couldn't resist. :laugh:)
Who are you calling estrogen??

I love to crash, but don't go callin' me no pesky "chick hormone"!

(You're is the contraction for 'you are', and I couldn't resist. :laugh:)

Along with they're, there &.their...your & you're are the most commonly misused...I'm such a dick, I love to grammar police hoohoo
One thing I noticed about myself is that my feet start to swell when my E2 gets too high, as in the 80s on up. Now I know to look for swelling in my feet, if I feel it starting my E2 is most likely too high (barring me doing a ton of walking or what not).
Yeh low e2 feels like hell, depression, xniexty to the next level shit. Worse then Tren IMO... Minus the sketchy feeling of the missus upto dodgy shit even though you deep down know it's the Tren doing it type of feeling. Sucks big nuts gimme high e2 over low e2 for sure.