Considerations for my first cycle (esp w.r.t. collagen synthesis and tendon strength


New member
First, some background:

24 y/o
low 190s
bf 10-12
training since mid high school

I know that a few things are generally advised for one's first cycle: that it should be test, and that it should be a bulk.


That being said, there are few things I am looking for out of a cycle. For one, I notice that I always make great gains on a bulk, but always have difficulty maintaing them on a cut. For this reason, getting on gear for a cut appeals to me more than gear for a bulk.

As far as test only. I primarily train for strength, and I have read much about how test decreases collagen synthesis. I realize it's the base of any cycle, so I'd plan on keeping it in there. However, I'd like to introduce something that increases collagen synthesis. This is VERY important to me; I have read that deca, primo, var, eq, and tren all accomplish this (GH too).

There are other considerations I have as well: I would prefer a short steroid detection time and minimal bloating, which takes Deca out of the equation for me. And obviously, nothing too hard since I'm a noob, so GH and tren become a no-no.

Which leaves var, eq, and primo.

IF possible, I'd like to gain some lean quality mass on my cut too (as little as it may be)... so maybe I'm actually looking for something to help recomp moreso than cut (aren't we all?). Seems like EQ or primo would be superior to var for this, but I imagine many of you would advise that stack to be too invasive for me at this particular point.

Which leaves var.

So, I began dieting about 3 weeks ago. I'm gonna let it play out for maybe another 30-45 days or so, and then I would like to add anabolics. I think the timing would be convenient, since post cycle therapy (pct) could coincide with the end of my cut/recomp (i.e. the added calories coming off a cut I think would help).

But yeah... input, please!
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var is cool, 40-60mg per day for 6-8 weeks should be good kickstart or backend to your test cycle.

anyways I would suggest you spend more time dialing in your diet and see if you can get 200 or so. another thing, testosterone can really help reduce fat. A lot of people think testosterone is some "super bulker" that makes you fat. well they are wrong.

testosterone is the most ideal steroid around, It causes massive muscle growth, and also aids in lowering your bodyfat. I lost quite a bit of fat on test and dbol cycle and I started at 12-14% BF and ended with 10% on a heavy bulking diet. sure I had a little bloat the last few weeks of the cycle, after post cycle therapy (pct) it was all gone and I looked leaner than ever.
I like how u just eliminated all these compounds. I never recommend a second compound to a first time user but if I where to recommend any I think var is the safest. Just make sure u use test as well
And if yiur going to be cutting I'd use prop for minimal water retention
I'm also wondering about primo for a possible first cycle? Isnt it good for lean mass gains, as well as less harsh on sides than test? Im just wondering why I never see that being advised for a first cycle. Is it partially bc its expensive and harder to get, or is it bad for a first cycle regardless?
I'm also wondering about primo for a possible first cycle? Isnt it good for lean mass gains, as well as less harsh on sides than test? Im just wondering why I never see that being advised for a first cycle. Is it partially bc its expensive and harder to get, or is it bad for a first cycle regardless?

expensive , hard to get , commonly faked , and in the end your natural test is shut down and your not taking test to replace it.
your 5-11 and 190 pounds , you have trouble with your diet imo. do a test only cycle at 500 mg for 12 weeks along with seeking help on your diet from the moderatot 3J in the diet forum . adding lean mass will drop your body fat % even if your weight goes up.