considering going on 250mg/week of Test E for as long as possible

hello everyone

I'm 20 years old, but my life is utter nightmare that you never wake up from and my hormones are completely fucked up. I wanna go on 250mg Test E/week for as long as possible. I feel like I have nothing to lose. everything is hell anyway

is it good idea? 250mg Test E/week for as long as possible

any advice? should I do it? good idea?
There is no way to know what treatment is best without labs. Not annual labs, but complete labs showing the endocrine levels.

250mg a wk is almost outside any level of HRT/TRT except a very very few people.

200mg/wk had me outside natural levels. Range was 1200 and I was just over 1500 ng/dl. Basically 25%, and that was the trough.

This last year I've had over 100 seizures, I've lost my childhood memory up until about age 25 and from there it is very spotty. I remember the stories most recently told by other but not the actual even.

I've been on every medication there is and if my scans dont work out and I can get surgery I will be this emotionless, forgetful skin sick who can accomplish laundry all while losing over $2k a month not working, a wife who cant work because I need a babysitter and two dead beat Dads doing deadbeat shit.

Human up and embrace the suck. I'll best cash money there are actions you can take in your life to change it, where I'm unable do things as simple as sit at a park for a couple hours without having a cluster of seizures which could potentially kill me. My wide holds be and records times to know when I need my "rescue medication then its light out.
I really would of thought you would of gotten more comments here, but yeah, 250mg of test per week FOREVER will pretty much turn you into a female with tits to boot.

no have mentioned no Ai, thats artificial inhabitant. Your problem seems more psychological, are you on any meds, antidepressants?
who told you to pin testosterone because you feel like shit? diet, training and lifestyle can help that without having to take hormones.
just saying bro.
You probably gonna shut down your own test production and then need hrt. If you think it***8217;s worth it. I did things like that on now I***8217;m on hrt between cycles
you dont need gear, you need a shrink. get your head checked out buddy. and dont mess with gear since it will make whatever head issue you have worst.
Bro your to young Togo on a cycle for months on end. I***8217;ll admit I did it when I was in late 20s I would do cycle and bridge with 200,gs test. But I had knowledge of gear and using AI.
You sound depressed bro I***8217;ve been there. Gear gonna mess you up starting that young.
Get bloodwork and get help. Sounds like if you do this you're just gonna make your problems worse. Pretending you're not trolling with this.....we've heard from you before, but in case you're for real please dont do this. Go get help
Go see an Endocrinologist and have him do Bloodwork.

If there is anything that's Out of Whack ~ He'll find it.

If Not ~ it's just the 20's something Angst, and you have to learn to Deal with the Problems that Life Throws at you..................... JP
You need lab work before you make that kind of decision at your age. Not saying it isn't what you should do, but you should make sure lab work dictates that first.

I would just go to private MD and get lab work and start there, since it is private and inexpensive.
I think going on 250mg test is good but its not perfect... Perfect would be more compounds, say 250mg test, 250mg tren, 250mg eq, 250mg deca, 700mg winstrol, per week.
This way you will cover all angles of being healthy. Its the perfect recipe :)
I think going on 250mg test is good but its not perfect... Perfect would be more compounds, say 250mg test, 250mg tren, 250mg eq, 250mg deca, 700mg winstrol, per week.
This way you will cover all angles of being healthy. Its the perfect recipe :)

I'm writing this down. Trying this one. I'll let ya know how it turns out.
hello everyone

I'm 20 years old, but my life is utter nightmare that you never wake up from and my hormones are completely fucked up. I wanna go on 250mg Test E/week for as long as possible. I feel like I have nothing to lose. everything is hell anyway

is it good idea? 250mg Test E/week for as long as possible

any advice? should I do it? good idea?

you and suicidal are the same fools.
hello everyone

I'm 20 years old, but my life is utter nightmare that you never wake up from and my hormones are completely fucked up. I wanna go on 250mg Test E/week for as long as possible. I feel like I have nothing to lose. everything is hell anyway

is it good idea? 250mg Test E/week for as long as possible

any advice? should I do it? good idea?

so what happened to you op?
hello everyone

I'm 20 years old, but my life is utter nightmare that you never wake up from and my hormones are completely fucked up. I wanna go on 250mg Test E/week for as long as possible. I feel like I have nothing to lose. everything is hell anyway

is it good idea? 250mg Test E/week for as long as possible

any advice? should I do it? good idea?

2 hit wonder how did your cycle go?
You could run 250mg for a really mild cycle for 10-20 weeks with .5mg of Arimidex taken 1-2x/wk. But I would then cruise on a more normal TRT dose like 150mg. Always consult with a physician who may refer you to an endocrinologist for further evaluation.