Continuously 'on'


New member
I know that this subject has been raised before, but I thought Id get some opinions cause I know its in the back of everybody's mind: "what if I just stay on continuously!"
Im coming to the end of my 4th cycle and not really looking forward to going thru post cycle therapy (pct) and lose of gains. I know you risk shutting down your natural test production for good if you stay on too long, but what other sides are there?
Im sure many of the pros stay on for good and many members on this board. Id like to here some feed back from those who have stayed on for a long time!
well I havent done it nor do I plan too but I imagine that if you do suppress your own test production your fucked. As soon as you come off no post cycle therapy (pct) will help you, you will age and lose everything very quickly since you have no test. Are you gonna spend the rest of your life on gear?
People have been 'brought back' after 3 years on is about the longest I can recall hearing of, but even in that time span you are looking at a pretty serious recouperation effort. Enough that it makes a research project for the doctor in question.

I am moving onwards to ~6 month cycles, but not looking at being on permanently anytime soon. I do not want to be on HRT when I am older either, until I am much older or perhaps done having my white picket fence and 2.4 kids.

So unless I were to compete or something which I wont likely be doing, its just not for me to be a year rounder.
what about doing like a 16 week cycle, doing post cycle therapy (pct), wait like a month and jump back on? are you still risking permanent shut down? or not having kids? well, i guess technically you always are, but to what extent?
if this sounds stupid, then whatever, but this is one thing i don't fully understand... i stayed off as long as i was on just to be safe... just want to get more info on it...
For me post cycle therapy (pct) is about 6 weeks long then I jump right back on, I have not had my sperm analyzed but I'm not worried just yet. HCG is just about a religion for me, although it does not neccessarily fix sperm count (FSH stimulation) as well as HMG should.

So basically I've decided to pick some stretch of time to run post cycle therapy (pct) and then I jump right back on, if I judge that I need more time off then I will do so, I have no idea how many of these '6 month cycles' I will run.