cooking all my meals on sundays


New member
I am starting to cook all my meats etc on sunday and put them in tupawear for the week.

Today i cooked up 3 lbs of ground beef into hamburgers. Hope this lasts me a few days. Carbs are not a problem they cook fast,,,potatoes pasta.

I eat 2 meals a day at my cafeteria so I just have to make about 3-4 more meals. per day. My plan is to cook on sunday and mabey again on wed.
Or i can just cook more on sundays and be all set for the week.

Any other advice guys thanks
I have been doing this for a while now, my wife and I make most Sundays our cooking day. Today we cooked up 5 separate entrees to reheat throughout the week. This helps to supplement the fresh cooked meals throughout the week. I find it is necessary to have frozen pre-made meals available for ready use, especially when I am trying to put on weight.
Sundays are my day to eat a weeks worth of food and feel like shit. I don't plan it that way, but I can't help myself.

But you guys are smart to cook up all of that food for the week.
mister69 said:
I am starting to cook all my meats etc on sunday and put them in tupawear for the week.

Today i cooked up 3 lbs of ground beef into hamburgers. Hope this lasts me a few days. Carbs are not a problem they cook fast,,,potatoes pasta.

I eat 2 meals a day at my cafeteria so I just have to make about 3-4 more meals. per day. My plan is to cook on sunday and mabey again on wed.
Or i can just cook more on sundays and be all set for the week.

Any other advice guys thanks

What's up 69? Thanx for the PM! Good move making meals ahead of time Im like mrnak right now i know to do this but just don't get around to it. Come sunday i just lay my big ass on the couch and flip around the NFL games, im a big fan and like making pic's. Im gonna trade my little cute girlfriend in for a big ole momma to make me food all day, lol.
It makes life a whole lot easier during the week especially for you being a student. When i prepared my meals ahead of time is when my diet was most n tune. I didn't make mine all on Sun. though i would just prepare for the next day the night before.
The only problem I have with doing that is i feel the microwave is the anti-christ I feel it nukes all nutrients out of your foods. I would like to hear Husky's opinion on this though. Good job bringing up the deads youll get over 200 before you know it. Read some of Huskyguy's posts on putting on weight you should be straight. Hit me up PM.
When I can I heat things up in pot or pan, if I can't, a microwave is better than nothing. I am not sure if it nukes the nutrients away, there really is not any scientific evidence to back this up. The studies that claim this, are anecdotal evidence at best.
all i gotta say huskyguy is that i am addicted to yuor egg nog recipe .

I dont have vanilla extract, but i do lots of cinaman, half teaspoon of brown sugar, and added some whipped cream and 3 cubes of ice.