Cought after injection WITHOUT TREN wtf??


New member
Im fucking pissed off honestly.. I believe this is my 6th cycle

My 5th cycle was the first one i used tren and i had Tren cough 3 times, i honestly thought i was going to die lol

The thing is, this is my 6th cycle and im running Test cyp, Boldenone and Deca (Gear is good no doubt) im 7 weeks in and today was the second time i got "tren cough" from these drugs, although the cough isnt as bad as tren cough (just almost).. In a scale from 1-10 being 10 a really bad tren cough then these coughs im getting are around 6-7, which is pretty bad too lol

Its the same thing, i inject and after i pull the needle out i feel this bad taste in my mouth along with throat tickleing for about 20 seconds then hell starts lol

Only 2 things i could think of and find were:

1- Using too much the same spot can cause this.. Except im injecting EOD and im using 8 different spots, thats more than a week apart from each injection, and the coughs have happend in different spots

2- Hitting blood vessel.. How? I have injected myself hundreads of times and never had this until now, i even started to aspirate again and i never get blood in

Also i asked all my roid buddies and apparently im the only one whos having "tren cough" from compounds that arent tren..

Anyone has any clue?? this is rly starting to upset me..
Getting a metallic taste in your mouth before you cough? If so, it's entering your bloodstream in larger amounts than you're used to, which can be enough to tick off your immune system (I believe that's the method of action for prostglandins at least from tren). I have a few spots I no longer use as they would tend to give me problems (scar tissue, or TONS of veins) and now avoid them. It sucks to have to remember where you can't pin, but it sure beats coughing up a lung if it's unbearable imo.

Another possibility is you're using higher BA gear (used as a means to keep the gear sterile), which can also cause a cough if it enters the blood stream. Using a new source by chance? Some tend to run higher concentrations of BA than others as part of their "recipe".

My .02c :)
Getting a metallic taste in your mouth before you cough? If so, it's entering your bloodstream in larger amounts than you're used to, which can be enough to tick off your immune system (I believe that's the method of action for prostglandins at least from tren). I have a few spots I no longer use as they would tend to give me problems (scar tissue, or TONS of veins) and now avoid them. It sucks to have to remember where you can't pin, but it sure beats coughing up a lung if it's unbearable imo.

Another possibility is you're using higher BA gear (used as a means to keep the gear sterile), which can also cause a cough if it enters the blood stream. Using a new source by chance? Some tend to run higher concentrations of BA than others as part of their "recipe".

My .02c :)

hmm, thats interesting.. This source is very good im sure of it... So you also get coughs from other compounds (not just tren), cuz im finding this rly weird, getting hard coughs from test + eq + deca ://
Could be scar tissue i guess :/ Even though im using 8 diff spots my body creates scar tissue easily lol

Edit: Thanks for your reply man
hmm, thats interesting.. This source is very good im sure of it... So you also get coughs from other compounds (not just tren), cuz im finding this rly weird, getting hard coughs from test + eq + deca ://
Could be scar tissue i guess :/ Even though im using 8 diff spots my body creates scar tissue easily lol

Edit: Thanks for your reply man
Yes, any injection can cause a cough. Just because a certain lab uses more BA doesn't mean your gear is bunk. They just prefer to use a higher amount to prevent bacterial growth in their gear. Scar tissue won't cause a cough, but is a royal bitch to pin through. ;)
Yes, any injection can cause a cough. Just because a certain lab uses more BA doesn't mean your gear is bunk. They just prefer to use a higher amount to prevent bacterial growth in their gear. Scar tissue won't cause a cough, but is a royal bitch to pin through. ;)

Wow, i hardly say this but this is new information for me, i have read in MANY places that scar tissue can help cause coughing, i also missread i thought u said my gear could be bunk, and i didnt know any gear could cause coughing, at least not what i have been told by dudes that have been using for years o.o
thanks man
Im fucking pissed off honestly.. I believe this is my 6th cycle

My 5th cycle was the first one i used tren and i had Tren cough 3 times, i honestly thought i was going to die lol

The thing is, this is my 6th cycle and im running Test cyp, Boldenone and Deca (Gear is good no doubt) im 7 weeks in and today was the second time i got "tren cough" from these drugs, although the cough isnt as bad as tren cough (just almost).. In a scale from 1-10 being 10 a really bad tren cough then these coughs im getting are around 6-7, which is pretty bad too lol

Its the same thing, i inject and after i pull the needle out i feel this bad taste in my mouth along with throat tickleing for about 20 seconds then hell starts lol

Only 2 things i could think of and find were:

1- Using too much the same spot can cause this.. Except im injecting EOD and im using 8 different spots, thats more than a week apart from each injection, and the coughs have happend in different spots

2- Hitting blood vessel.. How? I have injected myself hundreads of times and never had this until now, i even started to aspirate again and i never get blood in

Also i asked all my roid buddies and apparently im the only one whos having "tren cough" from compounds that arent tren..

Anyone has any clue?? this is rly starting to upset me..

I've gotten tren cough from lots of other aas entering my bloodstream brother, no big deal. option two is you got tren in one of those bottles. my 2cnts.