Could I just stay with Test E cycles?


New member
Would I continue to see gains with repeated cycles of Test E? I’m just trying to figure everything out. Also I wonder about pricing. I’m not asking for exact prices, but is it more expensive to do stacks rather than staying simple with just Testosterone cycles?
test e cycles with hcg and an ai can surely yield you good results alongside proper training and diet. less is more i say, but thats just me from years in the trenches.
test e cycles with hcg and an ai can surely yield you good results alongside proper training and diet. less is more i say, but thats just me from years in the trenches.

Sorry for jumping in here but I have a question. If you're willing to share........what would you say a dose would look like 3 or 4 cycle in? Like OP I am starting out and trying to learn what to expect. If a beginner was 500mg......what would the 3rd cycle and beyond look like?
I know the answer is complicated and varies greatly. Just curious your thoughts as I've read much of what you've posted and value your opinion.
Thanks......and sorry if this seems like a hijack that is not my intention
Some will say if the test only gave good results then do it again! Heck there are folks here who only ever do test.

What I did was once I had a handle on test only, I added one relative mild compound. Like equipose. Then I went to the nor19s. Then I circled back to try a much higher test only run. Cuz Im an trt, I never have to recover so my path has been twice as fast as someone who should follow the time on=time off philosophy required for recovery.
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Your asking about if adding other compounds would effect the price, that's obvious. When you go to the grocery and put more items in the cart, the price goes up bud...
Good question on how dosage over time might change for cycles. I went down the road of trying multiple compounds after my first cycle, and after a few ended up with total dosage of all compounds up around 1g per week. Now I'm curious to circle back and try a test only cycle at a dose in that ballpark.
You should, Tank! Even if you have done it way back when, the effects will be different because of your change in body comp. really no way to know without giving it a go!

What I learned when I jumped back to a just test @ 750 was that I was not ready for the E2 increase. I under-estimated my AI.

Hyjack over
I would rather just use test now a days. I am more of a recreational lifter than a competitor. I have experimented with others compounds but I think that test only feels the most "natural".
Would I continue to see gains with repeated cycles of Test E? I’m just trying to figure everything out. Also I wonder about pricing. I’m not asking for exact prices, but is it more expensive to do stacks rather than staying simple with just Testosterone cycles?

I am going to answer the original Question. For a common Simple Simon thought process. Basically we take exogenous Testosterone to raise our Body's test level to help turn protein in to muscle ( with all other things training and diet). So in reality all you EVER need is Testosterone to build / grow LMM. Let me make this clear though , more has nothing to do with more mass building. On a scale your returns per increase of exogenous test will be diminishing.

OP without being technical it is your diet and your training and also YOUR individual genetics that dictates how you will grow. Your body can only synthesis so much so fast.

Get this fact a guy can only grow / build 15-20 lbs of LEAN MM in one year. I will refrain from going into detailed explanation at this time.. ( many are tired of hearing this). SO after losing all your water weight after a good 12-14 week cycle if you retain 4-6 lbs of LMM you did good.

AS said by all my buddies on here, the answer is not more mgs or even a stack. A guy could use only test all his lifting career and never need anything else and continue to grow. However the exception I will mention if getting ready for a show. Then there are the specific compounds for the that phase of BB.
Hey thanks I really appreciate all the info. I’m getting pretty close to getting ready for my first cycle. Just making sure I have quality AI and PCT on hand at the moment. AI seems to be hard to come by, but I’m making sure I have it in my hands before starting lol
Would I continue to see gains with repeated cycles of Test E? I***8217;m just trying to figure everything out. Also I wonder about pricing. I***8217;m not asking for exact prices, but is it more expensive to do stacks rather than staying simple with just Testosterone cycles?

You will continue to see gains on test cycles if you are doing it right especially early in the game

but doing say a 12 week cycle of test e or c at say 500mgs then at week 6 to 12 adding some anavar

is going to more awesome than a test only cycle of at an even a higher dose than 500mg's IMO

So if you've mastered the testosterone game meaning you got you're blood work coming in correct

then try out some of the other steroids rather than going to higher doses of test IMO
Sorry for jumping in here but I have a question. If you're willing to share........what would you say a dose would look like 3 or 4 cycle in? Like OP I am starting out and trying to learn what to expect. If a beginner was 500mg......what would the 3rd cycle and beyond look like?
I know the answer is complicated and varies greatly. Just curious your thoughts as I've read much of what you've posted and value your opinion.
Thanks......and sorry if this seems like a hijack that is not my intention

the answer to your riddle is what the cycle endgame is. cycle goal.
yes it will.. so long as youre smart with your dosage.. and slowly ramp up with each cycle..

eg 400mg first cycle, 500mg second, 600mg third, 700mg 4th (honestly ive never gone over 700mg, too many sides) and take the proper amount of time off in between cycles..

there is some sort of downregulation (tolerance) that is built up from the use of test.. it isn't androgen related because studies prove otherwise, we dont yet know what it is.