Crappy cell phone pic of myself


New member
Sorry for the quality, but a cell phone camera is all I have for right now.

Stats are:

Height: 5'11 1/2"
Weight: 225 lbs
Age: 23
BF %: ??
Upper Arms: 18 1/4"
Forearms: 15"
Wrist: 7 3/4"
Chest: 49" cold
Waist: 36"
Thighs: 27"
Calves: 16" (sweet!)

I've never taken steroids. I'm just taking Protein, Amino Acids, and a lot of food and milk right now.
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Yeah you look awesome enough to have me curious about your lifting history, best lifts. Incredible, just noticed you are natty besides!

Shoot, I am your weight, and 6-0, but have been fighting for quite a few years to get my arms over 17".

Guess that makes me jelious.
Tafman, I lift at Powerhouse Gym, although they took out the Power Racks some years ago, (stupid, I know) so now I can't do squats too heavy. :/

Mesomorph, I lifted regularly in my junior and senior year of high school. I also lifted heavy in college, but then I quit for about a 1 and a half after I graduated college. Then I started again, and that pic of me is after about 5 months of lifting.

I used to weigh 230 lbs. My best bench was 345 lb. Never maxed on squats, but used to do 385 x 8. Never maxed on deads, but used to do 425 x 6

Thanks for the compliments! :)
Caballo Pills said:
haha that was a funny joke. "my best bench was 345" hahahaha. so anyways i can tell u have done some gear b4 but definitley are natural now and are off it. it's cool you don't need to know how i know i am a professional. anyways, i know u can't do 345 cuz your chest is kinda weak because the V-taper is not in your back but your chest cuz the V reveals what i call "cheese tits" or "nip cheddar". you definitely need to get back on the gear and focus on your chest a little bit more and lift again. ask me if you need any gear advice i have the perfect routine for you flab chest. keep things anabolic and not pentatonic.

I have never done any gear before. I do have some fat around my nipples, but that's not from gear. The last place I lose fat is the lower abs and the nipple area of my chest.

Chest has always been my weak point. *shrugs* Thank you, drive through.
Caballo Pills said:
haha that was a funny joke. "my best bench was 345" hahahaha. so anyways i can tell u have done some gear b4 but definitley are natural now and are off it. it's cool you don't need to know how i know i am a professional. anyways, i know u can't do 345 cuz your chest is kinda weak because the V-taper is not in your back but your chest cuz the V reveals what i call "cheese tits" or "nip cheddar". you definitely need to get back on the gear and focus on your chest a little bit more and lift again. ask me if you need any gear advice i have the perfect routine for you flab chest. keep things anabolic and not pentatonic.
You're flaming another member on yet another thread? At least do us the courtesy of using English next time. Cheers.
Pentatonic said:
I have never done any gear before. I do have some fat around my nipples, but that's not from gear. The last place I lose fat is the lower abs and the nipple area of my chest.

Chest has always been my weak point. *shrugs* Thank you, drive through.

I have to chuckle at that, because I am the opposite and wish I had your problem instead! My chest grows just doing benching, but I can't get my freaking arms over 17" no how. Before gear I only got them from 14 1/2 to 15 1/2.

You would be an incredible freak on a very conservative gear cycle indeed.
mesomorph said:
I have to chuckle at that, because I am the opposite and wish I had your problem instead! My chest grows just doing benching, but I can't get my freaking arms over 17" no how. Before gear I only got them from 14 1/2 to 15 1/2.

You would be an incredible freak on a very conservative gear cycle indeed.

Yea, I think I am going to do steroids eventually. Actually, because of some health problems, my testosterone levels are low for my age. Low enough so that a doctor is considering putting me on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), although it's the cream that you rub on your testicles :/ , so it won't be all that good.

I'd need to get a hold of some real gear.

Dave B. said:
Lats are part of your chest measurement. Flare the lats and flex the chest when measuring.

People flare their lats out when they measure their chest? Really? Hmm...I should go measure again if that's the case...
Pentatonic said:
People flare their lats out when they measure their chest? Really? Hmm...I should go measure again if that's the case...

All the other measurements are flexed, why wouldn't that one be too?
Dave B. said:
All the other measurements are flexed, why wouldn't that one be too?

Alrighty, I updated it. With the lats flexed, I got 49". If I moved the tape measure down, I got only 47", so the 49" definitely has my lats in there. I guess that would make sense, because I wear between a size 48 and a 50 sport coat.