Crash normal?


New member
Hey all, started post cycle therapy about 2wks ago and now I just feel like shit, Depressed, dont want to do anything, a general "i dont care what happens" attitude. This because of no T I assume? Have been doing clomid at 50mg/day and nolva at 20mg.

Any advice is greatly appreciated....think I'll go crawl under a rock now.
yeah u have the usual symptoms of low test. keep eating high protein meals.....keep lifting heavy (assuming you did take a little break already post week is ok to take off) and last but not least, you have to keep a positive outlook no matter how hard or far away positive things might seem to you at the time. Also, I would drop either the nolva or clomid and double the dose of whatever you want to do. I would do clomid at 100mg ed for atleast 1-2 weeks after all gear has cleared your body, and then do 50mg for another 2 weeks. Good luck.