Crashed E2 PLEASE HELP! In need of advise


New member
Ok so I have done a few cycles in the past few years. Every time everything went great never had any issues always ran proper pct etc. This past cycle I ran was 750mg test cyp a week for 12 weeks. Great cycle great gains, no complaints. Pct 3 weeks after last injections began with torem 120/90/60/60. Now here's the catch. During PCT my buddy said I had moon face and my estrogen was most likely on the higher side and I should run some arimidex. So me being uninformed about estrogen I was taking 1mg ED with the torem all through out pct. I know dumb right? So after about 3 weeks I woke up on morning feeling completely disorientated, brain fog, vomiting, lethargic, extreme fatigue, loose stools all day long that are yellow, constant muscle twitching all over body, anxiety, depression.

Ended up in the ER and they couldn't find anything wrong. So I went to a doctor a couple weeks later and got blood work done. Everything was in normal range. My E2 however is at 3. I've been dealing with anxiety and depression for 7 months now along with nausea and constant loose stool that is yellow. Everything was fine up until the usage of arimidex. Idk what to do or when these symptoms will subside. Any info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
What is your total testosterone at? LH? FSH?

You may need to run PCT again.

Just curious, did you use an AI during your cycle?
What is your total testosterone at? LH? FSH?

You may need to run PCT again.

Just curious, did you use an AI during your cycle?

Yes, I ran arimidex all trough cycle at 1mg ED as throughout pct. Can this be the cause of my nausea, vomiting, brain fog, anxiety, loose stool? 7 months later down the road ?
Yes, I ran arimidex all trough cycle at 1mg ED as throughout pct. Can this be the cause of my nausea, vomiting, brain fog, anxiety, loose stool? 7 months later down the road ?

You should get bloodwork and see what's going on now. If not your just tgrowing shots in the dark. You may have other issues. A full male hormone panel should shed some light on things
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Yes, I ran arimidex all trough cycle at 1mg ED as throughout pct. Can this be the cause of my nausea, vomiting, brain fog, anxiety, loose stool? 7 months later down the road ?
Damm bro 7mg arimidex a week? It's no wonder why u are suffering those sides, must of had some serious joint pains as well feeling like your an 80 year old man walking around
U found the right place bro, even if u did have moon face it could of been due to other things causing that like sodium intake causing water retention, 1mg arimidex is overkill bro!
Yea I know, I literally felt like I was dying..still do 7 months later down the road. Could the overkill of arimidex be the cause of my gut trouble? I never had gut trouble until I killed my e2. It's been 7 months and things are still not right. I got recent blood work done and my my e2 is now at 38. And I'm currently on test cyp 750mg a week. NO arimidex of course.
Arimidex wasn't the cause of this it was the extreme dose u were taking over a "moon face" that caused this
U might have acid reflux or did something ro the linings in your stomach, who knows
U should get it check out tho
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Yes one would need a ai at 750mg a week but not 1mg Ed like I did. I ran 1mg Ed through entire cycle as well as pct and I guess once the test was out of my system there was no more aromitizing going on and I then crashes my e2. It was like a light switch I woke up one morning could barley move, vomiting, brain fog, extreme anxitety amd depression. I assumed after a week or so symptoms would subside but they haven't 7 months later I'm still dealing with the brain fog, nausea, abnormal bowel movements, anxiety etc. I guess I'm gonna go get a whole male hormone panel done and see where I'm sitting.
I know low e2 causes anxiety, brain fog, aching muscles, stiff joints. I also know it produces serotonin, and having crashes e2 for so long probably messed with serotonin production. Reason why I'm depressed and have anxiety? I just don't get why my stomach is still messed up 7 months later it's crazy!
I know low e2 causes anxiety, brain fog, aching muscles, stiff joints. I also know it produces serotonin, and having crashes e2 for so long probably messed with serotonin production. Reason why I'm depressed and have anxiety? I just don't get why my stomach is still messed up 7 months later it's crazy!

You don't want to get to high on e2 either. I ve learned to be patient in this game and it's been tough but worth it. If you make changes to quick without getting bloodwork to verify you will be chasing a problem back and forth not knowing what's causing it. I've gotten bloodwork 10 times since July dialing in and it's been worth it

Good luck
OMG...1mg ED. AS I have said and others know CRASH your E and you will want to die. Not taking an AI as well as taking too much can cause as we see innumerable problems by letting you E levels to become too hi with the exogenous Test and then over correction.

We/ I must pay close attention to the dosing of all these compounds and such that we plug into ourselves. Remember a little can be more. As we plan our cycles we must plan our AI dosing as well as the PCT.

How do we plan, well one way is to get on the standard protocol and watch our monitor, yep, our blood work. How did ya get to "3"? by not monitoring close enough. By not asking Q's and research.

So we see the sides of low "E". Not to bash you OP but my words are to bring out the point to the newbie who might be reading. Good luck OP
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Sorry Guys....(Vets) :Pat:

Again I post for the uneducated
Low Estrogen Side Effects:
- Osteoporosis (weakened bones) ; (long-term low levels)
- Poor sex drive
- Fatigue
- Lethargy
- Skin quality diminishes
- Depression
- Poor sense of wellbeing & poor quality of life

High Estrogen Side Effects:-
- Anxiety & panic attacks
- Depression
- Erectile dysfunction
- Water retention
- High blood pressure
- Loss of balance/instability/dizziness
- Respiratory related concerns
- Irritability
- Low libido
- Insomnia
- Prostate related issues

Get your dosing correct w/blood work
So are you on, or off right now? This is a steroid horror story, I crashed e2 once myself, not this bad.

I think your saying your off? 7 months after pct and still fucked up? Keep us posted man I hope for the best.
Who here hasn't taken their E2 down too far at some point? I know I have. Shit... my damn endocrinologist (MD) told me to take .50mg daily for TRT. Yes, for TRT. I was in a world of hurt after a week of that.

So let's not be to hard on the OP. We have all been there or will be at some point. I am sure somebody suggested that dose to him. The important thing is that he is here now and looking to get squared away.
Yea I know, I literally felt like I was dying..still do 7 months later down the road. Could the overkill of arimidex be the cause of my gut trouble? I never had gut trouble until I killed my e2. It's been 7 months and things are still not right. I got recent blood work done and my my e2 is now at 38. And I'm currently on test cyp 750mg a week. NO arimidex of course.

Okay so you are on right now, if your still fucked up wtf are you doing wasting your money on a cycle, and risking further messing yourself up with this stuff. U need to take ur health more seriously imo
Okay so you are on right now, if your still fucked up wtf are you doing wasting your money on a cycle, and risking further messing yourself up with this stuff. U need to take ur health more seriously imo

If you've been on 750 mg of test cyp for more than 2 weeks you're probably shut down, maybe the vets can chime in here, but now might be a good time to start PCT?
I've been off for about 6 months. i got back on a few weeks ago because I've been to several docs that clearly do not know shit when it comes to hormones. When my e2 came back at 3 my doc didn't say shit about it being too low. I was the one who started doing research to find out that it was way too low. So I got back on test 750mg a week been about 3 weeks now along with 50mg dbol Ed. Went and got blood work done and my results as of last week is e2 sitting at 38. Being my e2 is at 38 I'm confused as shit as to why I'm still dealing with gut trouble, weird ass muscle twitching etc.