New alias
Grow Stronger
I've been off for about 6 months. i got back on a few weeks ago because I've been to several docs that clearly do not know shit when it comes to hormones. When my e2 came back at 3 my doc didn't say shit about it being too low. I was the one who started doing research to find out that it was way too low. So I got back on test 750mg a week been about 3 weeks now along with 50mg dbol Ed. Went and got blood work done and my results as of last week is e2 sitting at 38. Being my e2 is at 38 I'm confused as shit as to why I'm still dealing with gut trouble, weird ass muscle twitching etc.
If u were dealing with this when u were off, why did u suspect it would get better when u hopped on? I really think u need to consider that u may have a serious medical condition presenting itself to u here