Crashed E2 PLEASE HELP! In need of advise

I've been off for about 6 months. i got back on a few weeks ago because I've been to several docs that clearly do not know shit when it comes to hormones. When my e2 came back at 3 my doc didn't say shit about it being too low. I was the one who started doing research to find out that it was way too low. So I got back on test 750mg a week been about 3 weeks now along with 50mg dbol Ed. Went and got blood work done and my results as of last week is e2 sitting at 38. Being my e2 is at 38 I'm confused as shit as to why I'm still dealing with gut trouble, weird ass muscle twitching etc.

If u were dealing with this when u were off, why did u suspect it would get better when u hopped on? I really think u need to consider that u may have a serious medical condition presenting itself to u here
I've been off for about 6 months. i got back on a few weeks ago because I've been to several docs that clearly do not know shit when it comes to hormones. When my e2 came back at 3 my doc didn't say shit about it being too low. I was the one who started doing research to find out that it was way too low. So I got back on test 750mg a week been about 3 weeks now along with 50mg dbol Ed. Went and got blood work done and my results as of last week is e2 sitting at 38. Being my e2 is at 38 I'm confused as shit as to why I'm still dealing with gut trouble, weird ass muscle twitching etc.

If u were dealing with this when u were off, why did u suspect it would get better when u hopped on? I really think u need to consider that u may have a serious medical condition presenting itself to u here
All my blood work came back fine as far as lipids and what not. Liver enzymes were a little elevated due to low e2 once my e2 went up my liver enzymes are in normal range. And I have slightly high calcium and LDL cholesterol. Everything else in ok and in normal range.
And the reason I got back on is because so many people told me to get back on test to raise my crashed e2! I ran several cycles before this. I know what I'm doing just a dummy when it comes to ai's and e2 obviously. And people said once my e2 went up is be doing a lot better but it's up and I still am shitting mustard and feel a mess. never once have I been like this until using arimidex in large dosages.
I've been off for about 6 months. i got back on a few weeks ago because I've been to several docs that clearly do not know shit when it comes to hormones. When my e2 came back at 3 my doc didn't say shit about it being too low. I was the one who started doing research to find out that it was way too low. So I got back on test 750mg a week been about 3 weeks now along with 50mg dbol Ed. Went and got blood work done and my results as of last week is e2 sitting at 38. Being my e2 is at 38 I'm confused as shit as to why I'm still dealing with gut trouble, weird ass muscle twitching etc.

3 weeks of Dbol and 750 mg test without running an AI and your e2 is that low,, Something seems off
I've been off for 6 months with a very low e2 during those 6 months. I've been on test and dbol for just over 3 weeks and NOW my e2 is at 38. NOT 3. That's why I don't understand the guy trouble and the shit ton of other symptoms I have.
What a mess.. using exogenous hormones to fix an issue with endogenous hormones doesn't sound like an amazing idea..

Maybe... get bloods immediately, and post your results. It's really hard to say exactly where you are and what to do to help..

I can almost guarantee running more steroids won't help though, you know? Does that honestly sound like the way to go about it safely?

I'm sure others are frustrated at how backwards this is. Let us help, and follow instructions. :)
How do you know it's your e2 that's causing you issues now then? A full panel will shed light on every thing.

Aside from this, make sure to also ask your doctor about things that are bothering you, how's your diet?
How do you know it's your e2 that's causing you issues now then? A full panel will shed light on every thing.

Aside from this, make sure to also ask your doctor about things that are bothering you, how's your diet?

At this point idk since my e2 is up. Maybe the long term use of arimidex fucked me up? I'm gonna go tomorrow and get a full male hormone panel done along with everything else. Doctors don't give a shit to help they throw anti depressants at me and say it's all in my head. Fuckin bastards.
Excellent man. Once you have solid numbers to base your assumptions on... They won't be assumptions anymore, and you won't be treating something improperly. Looking forward to seeing the panel, I'm sure others will be here to help advise as well.
I'm with Hypnotix here

Treating your medical conditions by prescribing yourself 50 mg of Dbol a day doesn't sound like a bright idea..
- you cholesterol was off,, Dbol will make it worse
- your liver enzymes were elevated, Dbol will make it worse
- you may have never fully recovered from your last cycle, Dbol will make that worse
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Excellent man. Once you have solid numbers to base your assumptions on... They won't be assumptions anymore, and you won't be treating something improperly. Looking forward to seeing the panel, I'm sure others will be here to help advise as well.

Finally got to the bottom of all this. So I had all blood work done. Everything came back in normal range test, LH, FSH, All lipids are good and in range. Now here's the thing my TSH came back at 4.89 ref range is 0.4-3.0.

I have every single symptom of hyperthyroid-overactive thyroid
-Fatigue and muscle weakness
-Hand tremors
-Mood swings
-Nervousness and terrible anxiety
-Rapid heartbeat pulse stays at 99-102 even when laying down for hours
-Heart palpitations
-Skin dryness
-Trouble sleeping
-Weight loss 27 pounds in about 3 weeks
-Increased frequency of bowel movements(loose stool, diarrhea)
-Muscle twitching all over body but mainly in calves, quads.

I've learned you have to be you're own doctor because all these doctors are fucking idiots. My endo said you're thyroid is fine when it's 4.89 and he will not treat or look into why my thyroid is high. When in previous blood work my TSH came back at 1.3 it's 4.89 now and he thinks it's fine I wanted to break his face. When I crashed my e2 I'm sure that was the cause of my increased thyroid actually I'm 100% sure that's what caused my high thyroid. Now it's just a matter of correcting it. Also have a ache in my neck that sometimes gets so bad I can barley talk or swallow without being in extreme pain.

What do you guys think ?
I'm not a thyroid expert, but I believe that a high TSH is indicative of low thyroid, not hyperthyroidism.
I would look elsewhere for the cause of your symptoms. TSH varies with a variety of factors. As you've seen, your own has varied from 1.3 to 4.9. Maybe the next time you test it it will be somewhere in the middle.
There are other things that can cause those symptoms.

You may want to follow up and get a full thyroid panel. Not just TSH. Peel back the layers of the onion as they say.