Crashed my e2 first week on my blast


New member
Hey guys I just started my blast last Thursday 600mg test c ew pinning twice a week.

On my trt protocol I run 200 my test c ew and I keep my e2 at 18 pg/ml taking 0.15mg liquidex twice a week ( I know it's kinda low)

I've crashed my e2 to 9pg/ml before when I first started trt and my hips and knee were killing me.

Back to my blast I was planning to raise my liquidex dose to a moderate dose of 0.25mg eod during my blast staring the day of my first pin.

Next day I start to get sore joints in my hips and knees until today still very sore joints I'm 100% sure I've crashed my e2 again, no blood work to confirm but I know my body from previously crashing my e2 6 months ago.

My guess is that the test from my blast didn't elevate my e2 much yet as it takes time to build up therefore when I took 0.25mg dex I completely crashed it keep in mind my e2 prior to the blast was 18pg/ml on the sensitive essay.

So what should I do from now stop liquidex let testosterone build up for a week let my e2 climb bakc up until my joints feel better then resume to a even lower dose maybe only 0.25mg twice a week ?

I of course will run blood work after 5 weeks to see wheres my e2 but for now what should, opinions.
first off, yes, lay off the adex for around a week. you're on cyp so that aromatizes pretty quick, shouldn't be long. but exactly a week after your last dose of adex go get bloods so you dont crash it again cause i know how much it sucks to crash your e2

second, if you take 200mg test a week for TRT and .15mg liquidex twice a week works for you.. why not simply take 3 times as much dex if you're taking 3 times as much test? pretty simple lol.

when i decided i was going to blast and cruise i played around with my adex dosing for a month and a half until i got it down. now i know exactly how much adex i need per 250mg of testosterone.

come to think of it, i always advise against liquid ancillaries just because, from my experience, they are not always mixed equally. so if you think you're drawing out .5mg it could actually be .7, and the next time you go to draw out .5mg again and it's really only .3

like i'll say in all of my posts; i am mostly against UGL AI's, but ESPECIALLY the liquid ones i dont care how good the reviews are for the liquids, the idea doesnt sound right to me. i dont fuck around when it comes to AI's and since its really not that hard to find human grade AI's, why not pay a tiny bit extra for that piece of mind? and even if you cant find human grade AI's (which i doubt) there are plenty plenty of very high quality UGL's that produce great AI's
I'd spend the fifty-two bucks to KNOW if it's estradiol related. Sore joints can be caused by a TON of different things; like say, training harder as you know you're blasting.

I'm not discounting you knowing your body by any means, but I've personally been fooled before - thinking I had obliterated my estradiol, when it was actually a hair on the high side, and it was something else giving me issues.

My .02c :)
First time I heard that about liquid form of ais that's interesting i do have arimidex in pill form from a very reputable source I just never used them because it's too difficult for me to cut those tiny pills.

@halfwit I had blood work the week before my blast my e2 was at 18,
I also didn't train at all for a week prior to my blast to give my body a rest for the heavy pounding I'll give it the next 12 weeks so I know it's not from training.

And the sore joints started the very next day I took my first pin and the extra adex dose.

Since I'm running test c I doubt my e2 skyrocketed the next day from 18pg/ml to very high levels to cause me this joint pain since it's a long ester and my common sense was that my e2 went to shit.

If it's not training related because like I said I haven't trained last week and it's not high e2 the only other reason would be low e2 unless there would be another reason?

I of course can ran a blood work to check but it would take about 7 days to get the results what should I do in the meanwhile, no ai? Keep taking ai?
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First time I heard that about liquid form of ais that's interesting i do have arimidex in pill form from a very reputable source I just never used them because it's too difficult for me to cut those tiny pills.

@halfwit I had blood work the week before my blast my e2 was at 18,
I also didn't train at all for a week prior to my blast to give my body a rest for the heavy pounding I'll give it the next 12 weeks so I know it's not from training.

And the sore joints started the very next day I took my first pin and the extra adex dose.

Since I'm running test c I doubt my e2 skyrocketed the next day from 18pg/ml to very high levels to cause me this joint pain since it's a long ester and my common sense was that my e2 went to shit.

If it's not training related because like I said I haven't trained last week and it's not high e2 the only other reason would be low e2 unless there would be another reason?

I of course can ran a blood work to check but it would take about 7 days to get the results what should I do in the meanwhile, no ai? Keep taking ai?

Yes, coming in with a lower estradiol combined with using a fast acting AI does point in the direction of low estradiol, but I like to be sure - that's just me.

You can always just skip the adex for a week, and see how things go. I normally get achy joints from weather changes in both temperature and relative humidity, varying states of hydration, and even a few nights of crappy sleep. A diet insufficient in fat can also cause that, but that's a pretty thin cause unless you're intentionally reducing fats to below the threshold.
What I noticed from the last time I crashed my e2 to 9 pg/ml was the soreness in my joints specially in my left knee/left hip wich I'm experiencing right now like it's exactly the same.

I drink a minimum of 1 gallon of water a day and my diet is not lacking in fats.

Of course I'd love to run a blood work to confirm my e2 infact is in the toilet or not.

Skipping my ai dose for a week would be the best option right now besides bw ? I really don't see any other reason why I have this joint pain other than crashed e2 by experience. Water on check, fats on check, overtraining not an option actually im well rested.

I'm a little ocd when it comes to gear and stuff and I always like to come here for advice
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It doesn't take long to figure that out does it. I get it in my knees and elbows. On trt, i never use an ai. Even on a blast I have to be careful.
It doesn't take long to figure that out does it. I get it in my knees and elbows. On trt, i never use an ai. Even on a blast I have to be careful.

Yes I've come to realize I'm very sensitive to AIs dosage, even if I may know the answer I like to come here looking for advice or other people that have been in the same situation as me before :p maybe I should have waited a week after pinning to increase my ai dosage dumb me
It is hell for tendons and joints. Bone fracture is a risk involved in the use of an ai, if you crash your e2. !0 years ago i had a fracture in my right elbow doing heavy triceps press.
Yes I've come to realize I'm very sensitive to AIs dosage, even if I may know the answer I like to come here looking for advice or other people that have been in the same situation as me before :p maybe I should have waited a week after pinning to increase my ai dosage dumb me

Thats what its all about.
Yes my left hip is my major indicator that my e2 is In the toilet. I'm gonna take it easy at the gym this week until my tendons feel better, as soon as I feel better should I hope on it very low dose ?
It gives me chills when I read people taking .5 eod or ed goes to show how everybody is different
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That s why I mhere.....still. I learn. At my age and smashed body I d rather have a wee bit more e2 than less as I creak on a clear sumer day in the UK The cold of winter at home w Mom in lower Bavaria literally makes me grimace until all my fluids are on line and the joint s have been glad to have you.
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Did my 2nd pin toda, joints feeling a little bit better it's a bummer because I want to go kill it at the gym but this joins man ! :( hope to feel better by end of the week. Damn ais they are a curse and a blessing.
Went 10 days with no ai started to feel way better, resumed taking a moderate dose of .15mg liquidex last Sunday, got my e2 sensitive tested last Monday, came back at 19pg/ml yayy back to my normal.

I just started my 3rd week on 600mg test c should I expect my e2 to start cripping up from now on? Thinking in just going with .15mg liquidex 3 times a week (on 200mg I'd take .15m twice a week going to get my e2 tested again on week 5 together with my TT

So far I been eating 2600 calories (250p/80f/fill the rest with carbs.actually lost 4 lbs, I would gain weight with this calorie intake on my trt protocol, might be time to increase to 2800 I think.
ever experiment with running masteron along with your cruise/trt dose of test as an anti E, instead of a arimidex ?
or, adding it to a blast so as to possibly require far less armidex?

I'm running mast along with supplementing with zinc and currently taking no AI, with my trt dose of test.. will see where E2 is at in a month or so.

not sure that AIs are all that good for long term use anyway, of course Masteron is far more pricey, but may be an option for those who are sensitive to E2 and AIs
After I'm done with my blast I might ditch the arimidex and just experiment with zinc and DIM for a month and check my e2. I think I don't even need ai on 200mg test trt .

Only reason I'm very cautious is because I have pubertal gyro and don't want to make it worst