Crazy cut cycle for summer....!


New member
High dosed trenavar as this was amazing for me last time I plan on doing this for 6-8 weeks but still working out the dosages in my head.

Gonna add in Halodrol but was also slightly considering epistane for 6-8 weeks, as for the third piece to this I'm not sure which would be better for a cut either pstanz or Furaza-A and I'll go 8 for this as they are both mild.

Which do you suggest going with to get as cut and ripped as possible?
High dosed trenavar as this was amazing for me last time I plan on doing this for 6-8 weeks but still working out the dosages in my head.

Gonna add in Halodrol but was also slightly considering epistane for 6-8 weeks, as for the third piece to this I'm not sure which would be better for a cut either pstanz or Furaza-A and I'll go 8 for this as they are both mild.

Which do you suggest going with to get as cut and ripped as possible?

A good diet.

Anabolics won't get you shredded, they just allow you to keep muscle while you are cutting. I say get pretty lean naturally, sub 12%, and then throw in an anabolic and up the LISS cardio like a mother fucker losing no more than 2lbs a week.