creatine for cuts???


New member
Whats up guys, i gotta know, ive done alot of reserch on weather creatine is good for cuts, some say yes and some say No, it seems there is science behind both theries... Who has the facts, any excpirience??
Whats up guys, i gotta know, ive done alot of reserch on weather creatine is good for cuts, some say yes and some say No, it seems there is science behind both theries... Who has the facts, any excpirience??

If you are taking creatine..I would suggest for you to try kre-alkalyn..theres no bloat..and creatinine conversion doesnot happen
speaking from personal experience, it always smooths me out. and man the bloat is truly a pain in the ass. Ill stick with good olle tren/test.
creatine is not good for cuts. enough said. it fills your muscles with watter and bloats you up. which is exactly what u DONT want in a cut. (except for fat of course)