Creatine side effects!!!!

I get really pi55ed off with people starting threads and not giving any evidence for the outlandish claims they make.

There is no scientific evidence that creatine causes liver or kidney damage in healthy individuals. Poortmans and Francaux 1999 couldn't find any indication of failing kidneys in nine athletes who had been taking creatine for up to five years. Richard Kreider and coworkers (2000) did a lit review and found that there is no evidence of serious side effects with creatine supplementation.

Excess creatine is excreted through urine and therefore there is some evidence for the need for good hydration on this supplement.

Poortmans JR, Francaux M (1999). Long-term oral creatine supplementation does not impair renal function in healthy athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 31, 1108-1110
Kuehl K, Goldberg L, Elliot D. (2000). Re: long-term oral creatine supplementation does not impair renal function in healthy athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 32, 248

I totally agree with AA. Creatine is good stuff bro