Creatine side effects!!!!

Creatine is 100%.. best forms are CEE or Krealkalyn..IMHO Yes, issues might evolve IF you have kidney issues, nephritis (sp?), etc.. but for healthy individuals its fine to take creatine every day. No need to cycle.
funny thread....but made me all clear about creatine...its not harmful to take in a proper amount along with lots of water.
I heard if you mix creatine with water and inject it stright in to your cock, its better then VIAGRA, but watch out for those sides lol
funny thread....but made me all clear about creatine...its not harmful to take in a proper amount along with lots of water.
I have been told dat creatine can b used safely!
I tink u need to cycle it - a month on followed by a month of - and drink alot of water!
Not to fuel the fire with THE LOVE SURGEON even though he started the thread he sounds like a middle school kid... but i recently started taking creatine again and i have been getting headaches every day... I never had this problem before and ive been drinking alot of water...last time i took creatine was the Creadrive from GNC this time im taking Creatine Monohydrate... and suggestions on getting rid of the headaches
I get really pi55ed off with people starting threads and not giving any evidence for the outlandish claims they make.

There is no scientific evidence that creatine causes liver or kidney damage in healthy individuals. Poortmans and Francaux 1999 couldn't find any indication of failing kidneys in nine athletes who had been taking creatine for up to five years. Richard Kreider and coworkers (2000) did a lit review and found that there is no evidence of serious side effects with creatine supplementation.

Excess creatine is excreted through urine and therefore there is some evidence for the need for good hydration on this supplement.

Poortmans JR, Francaux M (1999). Long-term oral creatine supplementation does not impair renal function in healthy athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 31, 1108-1110
Kuehl K, Goldberg L, Elliot D. (2000). Re: long-term oral creatine supplementation does not impair renal function in healthy athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 32, 248