Creative ways to store Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) (Living with others...)


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Creative ways to store HCG (Living with others...)

So I'm starting a cycle soon but I'll be moving into a shared house. I can't exactly store the HCG openly in the fridge as obviously questions would be asked. I've considered buying a mini fridge for my room but that's a last resort.

I had thought about preparing all the HCG into syringes and freezing, these would be hidden at the bottom of a Tupperware box covered in veg. I'm not sure how long you can freeze HCG for before it loses it's potency?

I was planning on running my HCG at 250iu x 2 weekly from week 1-10. Could I run it at 500iu x 2 weekly from week 5 - 10 (to lessen the chance of being found) and still have the same recovery?

Get a mini fridge, otherwise your shit is out in the open for everyone to have at it. You'd be setting yourself up for failure if you left you HCG in shared fridge.
You live with your parents, or is this room mates?

Parents? I would just tell em what's up.

Friends? Same thing.
Buy a mini fridge for your room if you live with roommates. You'll be using it for many other items, like leftover pizza for instance. :)
That there minifridge. People are stupid though: say your doctor told you to take it and for them to mind their own business.
craigslist, mini fridge, put a lock on it. So many people have busted into my fucking room and for some reason they think it's okay to open my mini fridge. I don't know when it became okay to do shit like that but people do it.
craigslist, mini fridge, put a lock on it. So many people have busted into my fucking room and for some reason they think it's okay to open my mini fridge. I don't know when it became okay to do shit like that but people do it.

Call the cops and tell them they put a class III substance in your fridge - they'll stop.
The label idea sounds great or just saying my doc gave me it but the people I'm moving in with are junior doctors so they might know what's up/ask more intelligent questions.

I got the feeling people would openly burst open the mini fridge because they'll be like 'Mini fridge oh cool!' so I'll definitely lock it somehow. Or I may be able to hide the fridge under my bed.

What you guys think about putting the HCG in a taurine supplement bag, I'll just say some shit like taurine needs to be kept cold... they won't know, they are girls...
You could possibly get one of those fake stash containers that look like a pepsi can or something like that but than your fucked if they open it lol....... mini fridge sounds like a must to me. Or find something they would never want to open and put it in there. Lol like some kind of medicine. I vote on mini fridge though... Lol I thought about that some one could put it in a lunch box with a cooling bag for a injury and have a few of the bags and just make sure to switch them out before they get warm. THat would work it would just be lots of work.
Dude if your moving in with these people I'm assuming your friends with them. If not its non of their business tell them to fuck off. If anything just tell them you have an issue with your hormone levels and your now on trt
Use a Fridge Deodorizer !!!

So I'm starting a cycle soon but I'll be moving into a shared house. I can't exactly store the HCG openly in the fridge as obviously questions would be asked. I've considered buying a mini fridge for my room but that's a last resort.

I had thought about preparing all the HCG into syringes and freezing, these would be hidden at the bottom of a Tupperware box covered in veg. I'm not sure how long you can freeze HCG for before it loses it's potency?

I was planning on running my HCG at 250iu x 2 weekly from week 1-10. Could I run it at 500iu x 2 weekly from week 5 - 10 (to lessen the chance of being found) and still have the same recovery?


Go buy a Fridge Deodorizer ( they are cheap and many types and shapes to choose from ) Open it and put your HCG in it (or whatever your stash is)... you can go further and wrap the HCG with a paper towel before you put the HCG vial inside the deodorizer... Draw what you need on a daily basis... Hide the syringes someplace else...
Also, you can complain about the fridge having a funny smell (or purposely make it stink and have others complain!) for a couple of days before you buy it...
The Fridge Deodorizer is SUPPOSED to be in a Fridge so there should not be any suspicions and it should not elicit any interactions with other ppl opening the fridge other than someone looking at it or smelling it at the most...
If you put your HCG in a box or can or anything like that, you take a change of someone trying to drink it or see what is inside to eat lol... Hope this helps...
Wise words of a crazy old man named Claudio...
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Some crazy yet genius suggestions on here haha. I've been looking at fridges and tbh I may be able to get away without buying one. I'm thinking I can get away with stashing a vial of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) in a prescription bag I have for something totally different but it doesn't have a label saying what's in the bag. If they open it then wtf they doing looking in my prescription bag ;)