critique my cycle


New member
This will be my second cycle.. My goal isn't to become overly huge(I cut 20lbs during my last cycle), I want to get ****ing shredded at this weight then attempt maintain it naturally.

My last cycle was PH & DS..(the peak was 40mg superdrol/75mg epistane/3ml trenazone.. I felt completely fine and would do it again, I think people dramatize how bad pd/ds are for you.) I didn't want to pin anything that aromatizes because I have gyno leftover from puberty that letro wouldn't kill and I don't want to exasperate it.

I understand test should be run alone as a first "real" cycle so you can see how your body reacts and assess new sides by adding one compound at a time, but I plan to have a little fun and I know I'll be able to tough it out after doing so through my last cycle..

Superdrol: 3-4 weeks to kick start.
Test E: 125-250mg EW
Tren E: 400mg EW
Aromasin 25mg EW.. maybe letro if I am scared of making my gyno worse.

PCT: Daa & torem
I plan to bulk with 1500 cals over maintenance during the kickstart to swell up some, then enter keto/eca/250 calorie deficit for the remaining 6 weeks to shred up.

Current stats..
6'1, down from 225 to 202 @ 11-12.5%..
Goal is 205 @ less than 7%.. easy.

My training is decently high frequency with heavy weights at the start and slowly moving into things like supersets towards the end.. I almost always train to failure.
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Run the test at 250 minimum and you should be fine. I like running my tren/test the same.
that's an awful lot of aromasin for such a low dose of test. Tren is non aromatizing. If you are experiencing gyno from tren, it's prolactin related, not estro. And you need something like caber, or prami.
I agree with shovel. Run the test at 250mg ew. I dont have a problem with your tren at 400 a week. I do however want to state that 25mg of aromasin ew isnt enough. Even at 6.25mg ed that would be like 45mg. I think it would be best for you to start out with 12.5mg ed of aromasin.
that's an awful lot of aromasin for such a low dose of test. Tren is non aromatizing. If you are experiencing gyno from tren, it's prolactin related, not estro. And you need something like caber, or prami.

I'd use 25mg everyday because I already have gyno and do not want it to get any worse, at all.
I love prami, lol that stuff makes me feel great.
12.5mg EOD with those doses on aromasin. tren is dry dry, no need for a Aromatase inhibitor (AI). maybe even E3D.........

if the tren sides are bad, which they very well could be the e is not what you want. ace will clear so much faster. e should be a bit less harsh but it still tren your pinning....

drop the sd after 3 wks.

decent, but thats a lot for a 2nd cycle imo.
12.5mg EOD with those doses on aromasin. tren is dry dry, no need for a Aromatase inhibitor (AI). maybe even E3D.........

if the tren sides are bad, which they very well could be the e is not what you want. ace will clear so much faster. e should be a bit less harsh but it still tren your pinning....

drop the sd after 3 wks.

decent, but thats a lot for a 2nd cycle imo.

I know it's a lot of but oh well.. live and let learn. I don't want to cycle forever, so I'll do it to get to where I want and maintain..

I would love to use ace, I actually was looking at ripped 150 & andromix, but the idea of pinning ED or EOD for the first time pinning makes me afraid of major pip.
Dude if you cut to much estro is just as bad is having too much. Sometimes worse. Gyno or not if you tank your estro any means of thinking your gonna get a woody is out the tubes. 250 is such a mild dose of test and tren doesn't aromatise. I think your thinking outside of the box here. Like i said if you tank your estro you will have no libido