Critique my Deca/Test cycle


New member
I was hoping for some feedback on my next cycle. This will be my third AAS cycle and my first time using Deca.

Stats: 26, 205 lbs, 6'1 Roughly 12% BF

Week 1-4 Dbol 30mg ed
Week 1-13 Test Cyp 400mg per week
Week 1-9 Deca 200mg per week

Week 15-18 Clomid
Week 15-19 Nolva

I have Caber and Nolva on hand for use during my cycle should any unwanted sides occur. Any feedback would be appreciated.

Thanks :shoot3:
Not enough deca for anabolic purposes, and as it takes around 6 weeks to reach full saturation, 9 weeks is woefully short. It looks like you want NPP, which is the much shorter ester form of nandrolone.

I don't see mention of an AI; which is a must, and with all 19-nors, a dopamine agonist is good insurance against a visit from the floppy dick fairy.

My .02c :)
running deca for 9 weeks at only 200 mg a week is a waste ,, unless your just using it for joint support. 400mg for at least 12 (preferably 14) is better. you can get by with running it for a shorter length of time if you front load it with NPP for the first 5 weeks or so. or as halfwit said, just use NPP if a short cycle is what your shooting for.

also, your kickstarting things off with Dbol , and of course your running Test as your base . YOU WILL NEED AN AI . test, deca, Dbol , is a highly highly aromatizing cycle with the added perk of progesterone and prolactin as well .. AI is a must from day one
9 weeks for deca is a total waste of money. Especially at 200mg a week. Unless like roush said and it's for joint support.

Personally I'd substitute the deca with tren a at 75-100 eod. For 12 weeks.
Just another confirmation that your Deca is way under dosed and not enough time.

Also as halfwit said you will need an AI. AND you run the AI, not to have on hand to plug in when too late.

So what you have here is a situation in where you don't have enough knowledge. You need to read up on the Deca profile for start. You need to read up on the side effects of high and low Estrogen so you can see why it an AI should be run. That is to manage your Estrogen level.

What is your goal for this cycle ??
So ur 26 years younger and buingilt like me essentially

WELCOME...good intel...use then ask..I read everything...there is a Katmandu b t w...
Just another confirmation that your Deca is way under dosed and not enough time.

Also as halfwit said you will need an AI. AND you run the AI, not to have on hand to plug in when too late.

So what you have here is a situation in where you don't have enough knowledge. You need to read up on the Deca profile for start. You need to read up on the side effects of high and low Estrogen so you can see why it an AI should be run. That is to manage your Estrogen level.

What is your goal for this cycle ??

Thanks for the advice and i'll be sure to do so.

Some of the guys on YouTube said to avoid AI's as suppressing Estrogen would hinder gains but guess they may have been talking crap lol.

My goal for this cycle is to grow, and see how I react to introducing deca (hence the low dosage) since it's my first time using. I'm trying to avoid a high dosage at this stage as 500mgs each week is the most i've ran so far. However, if you guys suggest the deca is way too low then perhaps I'd bite the bullet and save the deca for a future cycle and up my test dosage.
No discredit to any of the guys here, some great info in this thread but in my own experience, 200mg Deca (if your stuff is legit) along with 200mg of test is going to yield for majority of guys some substantial anabolic improvement comapred to their natural state.

More is not always better. But ofcourse, 200mg Deca will never be as good as 400mg will be to 600,800 1+G per week. Try it, see how you go, your diet and training will determine how much of that juice is even being utilised.
Thanks for the advice and i'll be sure to do so.

Some of the guys on YouTube said to avoid AI's as suppressing Estrogen would hinder gains but guess they may have been talking crap lol.

My goal for this cycle is to grow, and see how I react to introducing deca (hence the low dosage) since it's my first time using. I'm trying to avoid a high dosage at this stage as 500mgs each week is the most i've ran so far. However, if you guys suggest the deca is way too low then perhaps I'd bite the bullet and save the deca for a future cycle and up my test dosage.

the type of gains that an AI hinders by blocking estrogen is WATER gains. . if you want the full bloated look, then yeah let your estrogen get higher and bloat you , that may result in an increase in strength as well (but your blood pressure will get high, and you'll risk getting gyno and a host of other health problems).
I personally prefer CLEAN gains and always run an AI.

if you want to know how you'll react to Deca, and you don't want to commit to a moderately high dose for a long period of time ,, then just run NPP for 8 weeks .. NPP is just fast acting Deca. if you don't like it or respond well, then it will be quickly out of your system , whereas deca will be in your system for a month or more.
Okay thanks for the insight. I will run arimidex eod at 0.5.

Do you have any recommendations for using the caber/nolva? I've read so many conflicting posts. Some saying only take caber when u feel sides, others saying to run it through to prevent deca dick.
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Okay thanks for the insight. I will run arimidex eod at 0.5.

Do you have any recommendations for using the caber/nolva? I've ready so many conflicting posts. Some saying only take caber when u feel sides, others saying to run it through to prevent deca dick.

your AI dose is going to be different the first 4 weeks then it will be the rest of the cycle, if your planning on kicking things off with Dbol. 0.5 to start, then when your done with Dbol you may be fine with just .25mg eod. mid cycle bloods will tell you where you need to be.

I would have Caber on hand. save your Nolva for PCT, not on cycle. If your running a low/moderate dose of nandrolone then your probably not going to have prolactin issues and won't need the caber, but you'll have it just in case.
I would only run caber pro-actively along with the cycle if you were in the 600mg+ a week of Deca, otherwise just take it as needed.

if your staying on top of your AI and controlling estrogen , you should not have any problems. Deca does NOT cause deca dick . high estrogen and high prolcatin are the cause.
if your staying on top of your AI and controlling estrogen , you should not have any problems. Deca does NOT cause deca dick . high estrogen and high prolcatin are the cause.

Spot on... Running Deca alone will not give you deca dick IME... But 400mg per week Deca with 0 test IME isn't as solid as even a TRT base. In all honesty instead of 400mg Test/200mg Deca, you could flip the doses around and chances are you may find it better overall for you... I personally do and yes my dick works like a tree tunk on demand.