Critique my Hella/Katana/xosterone cycle


Lifter of weights
Like the title says im going to be starting a helladrol/katanadrol/xosterone lean bulk cycle in about a week and I plan to run it as follows.

75/100/100/100/125/125 Helladrol
200/300/300/300/300/300/400/400 Katanadrol
12/12/12/12/12/12 xosterone(6am 6pm)
Forma stanzol week 3-10 (10 pumps ED)
Iron labs cycle support

50/25/25/25 Clomid
25/25/25/25 Ostarine
Forged post cycle

Support suppliments
Fish oil
NAC or TUDCA (I have both)

Does this sound like all my bases are covered? If not id appreciate some pointers.

Hight - 5'6"
Weight - 172lbs
Age - 22
Bf% - 14
Years of working out 5
Ph/aas expierience - 1 cycle primobol dex and 1 cycle sarms ostarine and s4
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Looks like a solid cycle I'd use the tudca if you can throw up a log we all here would love to follow your progress and offer support
i'd personally run nac.. youre going to be giving your liver a hard time
I'd go for TUDCA over NAC, unless you're planning on OD'ing Tylenol. :) But your Cycle Support already has more NAC than you need. So grab some TUDCA since it is more relevant than NAC when taking oral AAS.

Personally, I don't care for clomid. I'd choose Nolva any day over clomid.

I'd also get a natty test booster to use at the end of PCT for 4-6 weeks. Like start the natty product in week 3 or 4 of PCT and run it 4-6 weeks.

A good deal right now is Halotropin at for $35. I'd double up on it only because it's a proprietary blend. I like the ingredient profile, but I don't know how much of each ingredient is in the blend. So I'd run double. :)

That's my advice. Good luck and good growing.
Katana and hella was the first PH stack I ever ran, and it remains my favorite. Can't go wrong with this line up. Listen to the good advice on here and you're definitely gonna have fun on this run.
I'd go for TUDCA over NAC, unless you're planning on OD'ing Tylenol. :) But your Cycle Support already has more NAC than you need. So grab some TUDCA since it is more relevant than NAC when taking oral AAS.

Personally, I don't care for clomid. I'd choose Nolva any day over clomid.

I'd also get a natty test booster to use at the end of PCT for 4-6 weeks. Like start the natty product in week 3 or 4 of PCT and run it 4-6 weeks.

A good deal right now is Halotropin at for $35. I'd double up on it only because it's a proprietary blend. I like the ingredient profile, but I don't know how much of each ingredient is in the blend. So I'd run double. :)

That's my advice. Good luck and good growing.
The reason I chose clomid is because I have a bunch on hand, it was easy to get and cheap. As for a natty booster ill give that a try, I have a bottle and a half of hcgenerate laying around that ill use up. Ill be leaving a log that ill post a link for when I start
My helladrol/katanadrol/xosterone log

Starting date - October.14/2014
Ill do my best on this log but im not the best at this kind of thing so take what you can get from it.

Tiesday was the start of my cycle, I showered in the morning and applied 6 pumps xosterone to my upper back, chest, upper arms and stomach. Im taking one cap of each in the morning then one hella at lunch and one of each in the evening (preworkout) followed by 6 pumps xost before bed. Its day 2 and im feeling good about this. Just went grocery shopping and bought tonnes of salmon, chicken, sweet potatoes and various veggies. Should be a good run

(Shooting for 2500-2800 calories right now) its subject to change, im going to be modifying my diet thanks to the help of 3J's nutrition, going to be carb cycling also.
I posted this in the wrong spot so heres a link to the log
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Can anybody enlighten me on dosing for the xosterone? Im doing 6 pumps am and 6 pumps pm but it seems like alot at a time. My bottle feels half empty already and its only been 4 days! If there is 180 pumps per bottle and im taking a total of 12 per day that should last me 15 days per bottle.. seems pricey since I only bought two bottles and assumed it would last me 6 weeks
Can anybody enlighten me on dosing for the xosterone? Im doing 6 pumps am and 6 pumps pm but it seems like alot at a time. My bottle feels half empty already and its only been 4 days! If there is 180 pumps per bottle and im taking a total of 12 per day that should last me 15 days per bottle.. seems pricey since I only bought two bottles and assumed it would last me 6 weeks

I believe it's 90 pumps per bottle. 12 pumps a day is a good sized dose. You are using it mainly to control cortisol? Why did you start with that dose vs. a lower dose (like 6-8 pumps a day)?
I believe it's 90 pumps per bottle. 12 pumps a day is a good sized dose. You are using it mainly to control cortisol? Why did you start with that dose vs. a lower dose (like 6-8 pumps a day)?

Yeah I rechecked the bottle and it is 90 servings but the serving sizes are hugeee! The bottle says 1 pump per serving but here i am 48 pumps later and my first bottle is gone so something is not right. Im aiming at more of a recomp than a lean bulk and ive talked to a few buddys that have used it and they said 12 pumps worked really well so I went with that till I decide otherwise