critique on bulking diet


New member
hey i would like a critique on my diet as well as opinions

some stats.

height: 6 feet
weight: 229
16% body fat

cycle on right now:
12 week total of test e 750mg every week as well as tren a started 3 weeks into cycle at 300mg a week

meal 1 breakfast
6 oz flank steak
5 oz of egg whites
1 whole egg
3 slices of whole grain toast
2 tbsp of low sugar jam
totals: calories 752 carbs 52g protein 71g fats 26g

meal 2: midmorning snack
6 oz chicken breast
1 1/2 cup of brown rice
1 cup of green beans
totals: calories 545 carbs 75g protien 49g fats 4g

6 oz round steak chopped
2 13 inch tortillas
1/2 cup chopped onions
1/2 cup of chopped tomatoes
totals: calories 594 carbs 67g protein 47g fats 14g

6 oz ground turkey breast
2 cup pasta
1/2 cup tomato sauce
totals calories 617 carbs 80g protein 58g fats 4g

2 scoops of whey protien
1 plain bagel
totals calories 440 carbs 56g protein 45g fats 4g

meal 6 dinner
6 oz talapia
8 oz potato
totals calories 410 carbs 47g protein 54g fats 8g

meal 7 bedtime snack (optional)
2 scoops of whey protien
1 1/2 cup of oatmeal (dry measure)
total calories 650 carbs 87g protein 55g fats 11g

calories: 4008
carbs: 464g
protien: 379g
fats: 72g

3j ur comment and opinion will be appreciated
Of course 3J is the authority on this, but it seems like your putting a little too much protein in each meal not sure you can absorb all that at once.
I agree with the above poster. I think an article I found on this website said that your body can only absorb 40g of protein every 1 and 1/2 hours.

If I were you, I'd cut some of the protein and carbs and up the fat to about 100g

Is your BMR with exercise really close to 4,000?

That's a lot of food!

You are a bigger dude though.

You will definitely gain on that diet, there is no doubt, but you might gain a lot of fat along with muscle.
Sounds logical. I guess I can cut the protien down and I definitely don't want to gain fat so some of the carbs can be cut as well and not only that it will make it easier on my pocket tryin to keep my fridge full with all that food! ^.^

Thanks for ur inputs.
I agree with the above poster. I think an article I found on this website said that your body can only absorb 40g of protein every 1 and 1/2 hours.
You will definitely gain on that diet, there is

This is a hotly debated topic which most disagree with. I know 3J thinks the 40g limit per meal is hogwash. I do too. Sure there is a limit, the question is what is it? I try and get 1.75g per lb of protein. I try and keep that constant whether I'm cutting or bulking. I vary my carbs/fats. Depending on whether I'm cutting or bulking.

Your choices aren't bad but could be cleaner. Try to get some casein protein at nite. Maybe switch the fish for lean red meat for your final meal.

Take a look at 3J's sticky thread and look at his sample bulking diet. I think it's around 4000 cal daily. That would give you a good idea of the macro splits.

Also try to get an even split of your protein for meals 1-7, try to get your carbs in meals 1-4 (and pwo), save your fats for later meals and try to avoid carbs and fats together (or at least try and limit it)
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For a bulking diet this looks solid. I'd put in a few more vegetables but otherwise it looks good to pack on the muscle.
welter - i wont lie i dont stick too it one hundred percent every day, once every 3 or 4 days ill switch it up.. for example in the morning if im in a rush and didnt cook my eggs.. ill get 8 oz of straight egg whites and 2 scoops of protien and blend it up and have the whole wheat toast only. and some nights i do switch it up to some lean ground beef or a 6 oz steak with a sweet potato if im really not in the mood for fish. and good point with the carbs early n fats later.

miss muscle- thank you! i really hate eating vegetables but i do try to incorporate them into my breakfast and midmorning snack and force myself to eat em but not everyday.

ima look into 3js bulking diet sticky as well.

thanks for your inputs - hopefully i can get this diet down to a tee asap and get some solid results. :)
also quick question.. i read that when on a bulking cycle its a good idea to throw in some creatine since it promotes protein sysnthesis and some water retention that helps with the joints.. i was thinking since tren ace is in this equation it would get rid of unnecessary water retention and probably benefit me and help give me more muscle roundness and mass.. so i decided to throw in some size-on and drink it during the workout.. do you guys think it will benefit me or will it decrease my gains with the diet and gear alone.. ive only taken it for two days now. so any input would be helpful too!!
hey i would like a critique on my diet as well as opinions

some stats.

height: 6 feet
weight: 229
16% body fat

cycle on right now:
12 week total of test e 750mg every week as well as tren a started 3 weeks into cycle at 300mg a week

meal 1 breakfast
6 oz flank steak
5 oz of egg whites
1 whole egg
3 slices of whole grain toast
2 tbsp of low sugar jam
totals: calories 752 carbs 52g protein 71g fats 26g
no need for the steak here... just some more whites will do u much better.. keep your protein around 50g
meal 2: midmorning snack
6 oz chicken breast
1 1/2 cup of brown rice
1 cup of green beans
totals: calories 545 carbs 75g protien 49g fats 4g
thumbs up
6 oz round steak chopped
2 13 inch tortillas
1/2 cup chopped onions
1/2 cup of chopped tomatoes
totals: calories 594 carbs 67g protein 47g fats 14g
what kind of tortia??
6 oz ground turkey breast
2 cup pasta
1/2 cup tomato sauce
totals calories 617 carbs 80g protein 58g fats 4g
what kinda pasta??
2 scoops of whey protien
1 plain bagel
totals calories 440 carbs 56g protein 45g fats 4g
good stuff
meal 6 dinner
6 oz talapia
8 oz potato
totals calories 410 carbs 47g protein 54g fats 8g
what kind of potato?
meal 7 bedtime snack (optional)
2 scoops of whey protien
1 1/2 cup of oatmeal (dry measure)
total calories 650 carbs 87g protein 55g fats 11g

calories: 4008
carbs: 464g
protien: 379g
fats: 72g

3j ur comment and opinion will be appreciated
my comments in bold

also, id say your eating to a point that will make you put on a little bit of fat.. so i rec 20min cardio 3 times a week...
Perfect ill eliminate the steak, tortilla is wheat tortilla, the pasta is wheat pasta, and regular you recommend sweet potato?

and what do you think about throwing in the creatine?

thanks for the critique btw!!!
Perfect ill eliminate the steak, tortilla is wheat tortilla, the pasta is wheat pasta, and regular you recommend sweet potato?
yams, red kidney beans, brown rice... i dont care as long as its a real complex carb, how about red potatoes?? u like those? im sure u get the picture
and what do you think about throwing in the creatine?
sure.. why not.. iv done it twice personally myself.. didn't see too much of a diff but im sure it does do something... lol
thanks for the critique btw!!!

any time