Critque my Post Leukemia Cycle....


New member
well i am hoping to beat the leukemia this round all together and enter remission, i am not entirely sure what sort of waiting period there is while in remission to be cleared as cured, i havent really asked, i am focusing on just getting better at this point. So if any of the docs want to throw in some info on when the best time post chemo recovery and remission to start back up into the world of bodybuilding please feel free. I will more then likely give myself a good 6months to lift naturally and hope to gain back a considerable amount of weight.

On to the cycle :D (This would be my 4th official cycle not counting current anabolic Oxandrolone which is being used in medicinal doseages under the careful watch of an endocrinologist and cancer specialists, though probably i would imagine would be like a first all over again but hey im going big :D hehe)

Though diet is the key to weather one bulks or cuts i feel this combination of anabolics will help to provide a good amount of keepable gain with minimal bloat and fat.

1-5 Human Grade Testosterone Propinate 150mg/ED
1-8 Oxandrolone 35mg/ED
1-15 Human Grade Tesosterone Cypionate 600mg/week
10-15 Primobolan Depot 300mg/week
1-15 Aromasin 25mg E3D
1-15 Nolvadex 10mg ED (HDL value enhancement due to Aromasin)

Alright bro's tear it up :) its only a first draft so i want to hear your opinions :) and if you guys have brand preferences for any of them please make a note of it too.
bump, come on folks i know you intelligent bastards want to rip this apart and call me a moron, call me a genius i dont care either way feel free, i see alot of views but only 1 response....:D
I think that is too much test in the first 5 weeks. Plus, i would run most of the prop at the end, so you can start clomid sooner.
I like it except I'd drop the primo to free up more cash to run higher dose Anavar (var), but that's just me and my bad hair genetics speaking.
That's over a gram and a half of test. Maybe a bit much this soon out? Maybe continue the cyp as is and cut the prop down to 50 ED or 100 EOD?
I know prop's the worst offender for me as far as test flu and a susceptibility to viral infections.
BTW, how much Ox do they have you on now? The recommended max according to BTG is 20 ED, (for medical purposes, that is).
I would drop the Nolvadex.
It significantly improves plasma lipid profile in postmenopausal women because their estrogen is too low.
It really doesn't do much in presence of normal estrogen levels.
Your E will not be too low if you take aromasin e3d...
buffdoc, i am on the maximal amount of btg oxandrin. 20mg/day till treatment is over. I was severly catabolic for a while so they figured best to keep me in the green so to speak.

any idea what remission time is till one is cleared as cured? how long to wait till i should start back at lifting when its all over?
natty said:
buffdoc, i am on the maximal amount of btg oxandrin. 20mg/day till treatment is over. I was severly catabolic for a while so they figured best to keep me in the green so to speak.

any idea what remission time is till one is cleared as cured? how long to wait till i should start back at lifting when its all over?

A little out of my area of expertise. I'd leave that one to the oncologists. I'm sure glad they put you on the Oxandrin, that was a wise call; hopefully it didn't require arm-twisting on your part.
not excessive arm twisting no, the endocrin was actually who helped me to recommend it to them, he gave me all the studies on it he could find pertaining to what was happening, gave them a call even. They were going to suggest a dose of 7.5mg but the endocrin said i might as well not take it at all if the dose is going to be so low because of my body size i would not get optimal effects to help maintain me during this aggressive round of chemotherapy.
hhajdo said:
I would drop the Nolvadex.
It significantly improves plasma lipid profile in postmenopausal women because their estrogen is too low.
It really doesn't do much in presence of normal estrogen levels.
Your E will not be too low if you take aromasin e3d...

I agree.....overkill ;)
It seems that only Toremifene increases HDL:

from: "Selective Estrogen-Receptor Modulators — Mechanisms of Action and Application to Clinical Practice"

B. Lawrence Riggs, M.D., and Lynn C. Hartmann, M.D.

Coronary artery disease accounts for one third of all deaths in postmenopausal women.68 Both estrogen and SERM therapy induce a beneficial serum lipid profile, although the patterns of these changes differ (Table 5). The main serum lipid changes with oral estrogen are increases in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and triglycerides and decreases in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. Tamoxifen, toremifene, and raloxifene also decrease LDL cholesterol but, unlike estrogen, do not increase triglycerides. Toremifene, unlike other SERMs, increases HDL cholesterol. Treatment with estrogen or SERMs changes the blood-coagulation indexes in the direction of enhanced clotting, and estrogen, but not raloxifene, increases indexes of inflammation (Table 5)...

Table 5. Comparative Effects of Oral Hormone-Replacement Therapy and SERMs on Serum Lipids, Indexes of Inflammation, and Blood Coagulation.
Antiatherogenic effects of adjuvant antiestrogens: a randomized trial comparing the effects of tamoxifen and toremifene on plasma lipid levels in postmenopausal women with node-positive breast cancer
T Saarto, C Blomqvist, C Ehnholm, MR Taskinen and I Elomaa
Department of Oncology, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Finland.

PURPOSE: To evaluate whether a novel antiestrogen, toremifene, has similar antiatherogenic effects as tamoxifen. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Forty-nine postmenopausal patients with node-positive breast cancer were randomized in a trial that compared the effects of tamoxifen and toremifene on serum lipoproteins. Tamoxifen was given at 20 mg and toremifene at 60 mg orally per day for 3 years. Serum concentrations of apolipoprotein (apo) A-I, A-II, and B, and lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)], cholesterol, triglyceride, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and estradiol were measured before and after 12 months of antiestrogen therapy. RESULTS: Both antiestrogens significantly reduced serum total and LDL cholesterol and apo B levels. However, the response of HDL cholesterol to treatments was clearly different between the groups. Toremifene increased the HDL level by 14%, whereas tamoxifen decreased it by 5% (P = .001). As a consequence, both cholesterol-to-HDL and LDL-to-HDL ratios decreased more in the toremifene than tamoxifen group (P = .008 and P = .03, respectively). Toremifene also increased the apo A-I level (P = .00007) and apo A-I-to- A-II ratio (P = .018). Both tamoxifen and toremifene decreased the Lp(a) concentration significantly (change, 34% v 41%). CONCLUSION: These results provide positive evidence that toremifene has antiatherogenic properties with potency to improve all lipoproteins that are associated with increased coronary heart disease (CHD) risk.