I'm 35 yrs old, do 3 crossfit workouts a week and 2 strength (olympic lift) workouts per week. I am looking for a SARMS stack that will enable me to improve my endurance in the metcons while increasing my strength on my lifts. I am also looking to improve recovery/heal my joints.
I was thinking of stacking SR-9009, RAD-140, and MK-677. However, I was wondering if SR-9009 or GW would be better for my gains in endurance. Also, would i benefit by adding a 4th SARM (S4) to that stack? Any info is appreciated.
I was thinking of stacking SR-9009, RAD-140, and MK-677. However, I was wondering if SR-9009 or GW would be better for my gains in endurance. Also, would i benefit by adding a 4th SARM (S4) to that stack? Any info is appreciated.