crossfit cycle (SR-9009 or GW?)


New member
I'm 35 yrs old, do 3 crossfit workouts a week and 2 strength (olympic lift) workouts per week. I am looking for a SARMS stack that will enable me to improve my endurance in the metcons while increasing my strength on my lifts. I am also looking to improve recovery/heal my joints.

I was thinking of stacking SR-9009, RAD-140, and MK-677. However, I was wondering if SR-9009 or GW would be better for my gains in endurance. Also, would i benefit by adding a 4th SARM (S4) to that stack? Any info is appreciated.
Do you actively compete at all? If so, you will quickly disqualify yourself as most SARMs are not detectable by WADA.

I would use GW50 over SR9009, personally. But that is only because I have firsthand knowledge of the power of GW50 - it vastly increased my cardio ability. The RAD140 is great for strength training and MK677 mimics HGH - though do not expect to gain a lot of muscle by using it, instead expect to gain stronger tendons and other connective tissues, which is VITAL in strength training.

So I would go with a GW50, RAD140, and MK677 stack for what you want. Others, more knowledgeable than I, may chime in and say something else, but I cannot see you going wrong with that stack. Make sure to support the board sponsors and go with SarmsSearch for your SARMs needs - they have a 30% off code right now, DICED30.
I do not actively compete. Would I benefit at all by adding either S4 or YK to the GW, RAD, MK stack? And most definitely going to order from SS.
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It might be, but it might not be. Pill form of SARMs is illegal since it implies (heavily) it is for human consumption (which is illegal). All reputable SARMs sellers will only sell liquid form, since it is both legal to sell and buy SARMs in liquid form. Since you bought it in pill form, you bought it from a non-reputable who knows what is in it.
I do not actively compete. Would I benefit at all by adding either S4 or YK to the GW, RAD, MK stack? And most definitely going to order from SS.

YK is a myostatin inhibitor - meaning it will help to remove the body's natural muscle negative feedback other words, your body tries to limit muscle growth since muscles are very costly biologically speaking (they need lots of energy). At a certain point in creating muscle, you will hit a wall and you have to stop to let the body recover. YK11 will increase the time it takes to reach that point.

S4 is great for strength. So it really depends on if you want more muscle mass or more strength. It seems many people love S4.
So, I emailed one of the online stores on this site if it was ok to order this products in MA. and they emailed back I need to check my local laws. I tried. Cant really find anything. Has anyone had a problem ordering these products on the east coast like MA.
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Yes, you can order SARMS, and have them delivered to your house in MA without issue. They're not illegal - they're just not for human consumption. Research purposes only.
I do not actively compete. Would I benefit at all by adding either S4 or YK to the GW, RAD, MK stack? And most definitely going to order from SS.

For your crossfit purposes, I'd go with S-4 over the YK. I love me some S4. It's helped me with strength, endurance, and size. I've heard plenty of reports of YK slowing people down due to very sore joints.

That being said, I'm going to be starting YK-11 in a couple days. Lol. I'll be able to give you some firsthand experience shortly.
For your crossfit purposes, I'd go with S-4 over the YK. I love me some S4. It's helped me with strength, endurance, and size. I've heard plenty of reports of YK slowing people down due to very sore joints.

That being said, I'm going to be starting YK-11 in a couple days. Lol. I'll be able to give you some firsthand experience shortly.

Yankee, if I remember correctly, You didnt like SR on your log did you? I'm running it now in pill form. Tired of the nasty tastes in my mouth from gw and s4 now.