Curious, Gonna hit the Gear NEED HELP!


New member
Hey everyone im gonna start my first cycle of Test E soon and i am curious and ive got alot of questions, im new at this so dont judge me, ive done some research and layed it out in a way and all i need now is opinions on what would happen.

Test E 250mg/ml 2x per week monday 1 jab thursday another. im gonna run this for 10 weeks. ive got 2 bottles of Test E, each bottle has 10ml.
And i have done alot of research and came out with a PCT that i think would be good for me. HCG 5000IU 1 bottle, nolvadex and Clomid for the pct

Should i start training for a good month or two b4 i hit the gear? or can i hit the pin and start training and do my cycle for 10 weeks.

So this is how i have it layed out


1-10 Test-E 2x per week 250mg/ml
8-13 HCG 500IU 2x per week
12-15 Clomid/nolvadex--tell me when to start it and how much.

Guys these are the things that i wanna use and just have a look tell me what im doing wrong what should i do when etc...

and seing how i have this layed out how much of my gains would i keep, and once im off the gear do i have to fear of losing my gains in the next few months, how much of my gains will stay for me for good?
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wait until you are 25 because you aren't fully grown. put 2-3 years into working out naturally and come back. 62kg is Really light bro.
nah bro trust me ive fully grown now, i havent grown since i was 17 ive developped alredy even tho i might have not stopped fully maby i could be growing still but there is no major growing happening around here.

tell me about my cycle and what i should do. should i hit the gym for a month b4 my first jab? and how does my pct sound?
and i know for a fact that even after my cycle and pct i will look better then i am now im sick of being the skinnt lil guy lad.
well i would still tell you not do it but since you will go ahead and still do it then i recommend doing the cycle for 12 weeks ( you need to get an AI). start in april, till then hit the gym hard and eat like a beast :)
Lets look past the age for a sec. Although you think you are done growing because your the same height means jack, your body and mind are still maturing, its not just about growth platelets.
You should be training a minimum of a year or 2 (preferably more) seriously with proper diet before using steroids. Without a solid base you are setting yourself up to fail.
At 5'9 and under 140lbs you are no where near being ready diet wise. How do you plan on gaining muscle without proper diet. Gear is a tool not a solution. Your going to waste your money. Train, eat and sleep properly you should be able to get to 180 easily with proper diet.

Not what you want to hear but it is what it is and it's reality. Take the money your going to spend on gear and hire 3J instead, you will gain 10x more with him than you will with gear
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well i would still tell you not do it but since you will go ahead and still do it then i recommend doing the cycle for 12 weeks ( you need to get an AI). start in april, till then hit the gym hard and eat like a beast :)

i will eat like a tiger and hit the gym 5x week for a month then im gonna hit the gear for 12 weeks with the last 2 weeks of the gear ill run hcg with the gear and then when the gear runs out ill go for another 2 weeks and then introduce clomid+nolvadex yeah?

now knowing that my body or / mind whatever the fuck hast matured up properly are u really telling me that im not going to keep anything after running this cycle with this pct?

EDIT: what is an AI?
yes you won't keep most of your gains but the worst part is the emotional changes, you are very young and won't be able to handle them.
emotionally? Yup!! Bodywise i couldn't tell you because that depends all on your diet and gym! but illl let someone more experienced answer you on that.
Do some more research and hit the iron hard for a few more years. You're probably going to run gear no matter what anyone says but at least do some more research before you start. You can really mess yourself up for life if you're not carefull.
Do some more research and hit the iron hard for a few more years. You're probably going to run gear no matter what anyone says but at least do some more research before you start. You can really mess yourself up for life if you're not carefull.

true, isnt the set up i have up there good enough?

all im seing is people talking shit on here on their replys making me think they the ones that dont have a clue, ive seen many many people from the ages of 17-22 get on the gear do cycles and jump of it with very good gains still kept in place, and here is another question, if im on a good diet, eating good, and do the cycle that i outlined above am i not gonna keep any of my gains lol?
Seriously u need more research. U dont even know what an ai is. Your hcg protocol is off too. If u research, you'll see what I mean. If u don't, u could end up with some problems.. and tittys...
You need to look up AI. Look up hcg also. You may keep your gains and you might not it all depends on what you do after you cycle but I really think you need a few more years of lifting natty avd a good diet before you try aas. You're young so your test levels should be high natty. Read the stickys you will learn a lot it's all for your own good.
You need to look up AI. Look up hcg also. You may keep your gains and you might not it all depends on what you do after you cycle but I really think you need a few more years of lifting natty avd a good diet before you try aas. You're young so your test levels should be high natty. Read the stickys you will learn a lot it's all for your own good.

most helpful guy so far.
Seriously u need more research. U dont even know what an ai is. Your hcg protocol is off too. If u research, you'll see what I mean. If u don't, u could end up with some problems.. and tittys...

and the ai i was going to research, i just wanted to know if what i had above was a good cycle or not alot of ppl over reacting.
most helpful guy so far.

Nobody owes u anything here. U came here asking questions that couldve been answered by yourself had u done some research. Posts like this wont get u very far.
I know your young and your brain probably is still developing, but calm down a lil bit bud...