Current peptide users, who is in for some testing?


Community Veteran
Looking for a few guys, myself included to have some blood work done through one of these online places in regards to IGF-1 levels while using certain peptides.

The test costs about 50 bucks and is very easy to set up and get done. You basically buy the test online and they email you a lab request that you take to a nearby lab corp and have your blood drawn there. Results are emailed to you within a few days.

I've searched high and low and can't find any unbiased tests posted.

If at least 3-4 guys get in on this with me it won't take us long to figure out which peps are really best for us to use.

I don't want this to be about sources or brands so lets keep all of that out of this. That brings too much drama and possible motives to a noble cause.

If you are also using GH with your peps we won't get the type of results we need.

This thread is to see if we have enough guys interested. Post up or PM me if you are and we can be the first board with cold hard facts on these :)

The peptides I have in mind are both of the common IGF products LR3 and DES and also any of the GH releasing peps or combination of them.
Very good idea ZEEK. I have considered this many times but before I do I want to figure out optimal timing. I always hear that you need to test igf within two hours of gh inject but that's not true and I've seen guys test past 2 hours effectively.

I'm going to also run some blood glucose testing as well. Following in my buddy Osiris footsteps. He tested by with many different gh brands and I will talk to him about this and get his thoughts on testing for igf and the ghrh/ghrp's.

I'm currently on gh as well so I would have to drop that and not sure I'm willing just yet. I'll put some thought into it because I have read testing where mod grf/ghrp6 produced an increase in igf similar to a few iu of gh.

I'm interested but not sure if I can right now. Either way I will do my part in coming up with ideas for testing and will test bg with peptides and igf.
Excellent guys! We don't all have to do it at the exact same time. I was thinking to do mine really quick before jumping back on HGH. Alexus, Feb is not far off and works fine also

DaHurt, out of the few of us showing interest this early on you are probably closest to being ready to go in for the test. You are currently on DES and we probably need to figure out how long post injection you should go in for the test. Since that is the one said to flash in and out of your system.

User, I knew you would be interested but did realize you are on GH also. Levels from HGH will actually take a few weeks to go down if you have been on it long enough. Have you had any recent testing done on while just on GH? like an IGF-1 or serum GH?

I was able to track down 1 test with a guy using HGH + LR3 and his IGF-1 test was over 900! Makes LR3 a safe bet as far as a legit pep as long as you are getting the quality version. It would have been better to see the numbers without GH but there is obviously more at work than 6 iu of GH would deliver on it's own.
No I haven't had any testing done at this point. I have only been on 3 iu for around a month or so. Also using igf in there as well so I would like to see. 900 is no joke for igf levels. That's really good.

I'll make a plan to maybe test igf while on the gh then later test with the addition of igf and will just keep levels consistent. I think that should be fairly stable measure. I planned to move up to 5 iu but I have no problem staying at 3 for a while longer to keep a baseline test, then add the lr3 and test again.
That is just awesome User!

One thing to keep in mind for the long haul is that we probably don't want IGF numbers too far outside of the normal high range over an extended period of time. I'm interested in maintaining low 400's. That would place me just above high/normal. 900 is asking for trouble IMO although some nice new cells could be created near those numbers if you were to cycle up to it occasionally and then back down.

It just strikes me as very odd that with all of the IGF-1 tests posted across many boards by people using HGH that there are not any posted using the different IGF's or the new GH releasing peps. Maybe there are some on some smaller boards or private ones. keep an eye out guys

I've already set up my first test to establish a base line! I'll get it done this week and have results next week.

We just have to be careful how we go about this because some of the HGH tests are suspect to me. They appear to be shills pushing a brand. That is why I want to keep sources and brands out of the testing.
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Sorry Zeek somehow this thread slipped by me. How long post-injection with the DES do you think I should wait?

My plan is to test now, then in the middle of my 4 weeks off DES, then again when I'm taking DES/LR3 together.
So igh1 lr3 and des but we can also use gh releasing peptides?

Would like to test the GH releasing peps even more so than the IGF products :)

Sorry Zeek somehow this thread slipped by me. How long post-injection with the DES do you think I should wait?

My plan is to test now, then in the middle of my 4 weeks off DES, then again when I'm taking DES/LR3 together.

It is going to be tricky with the DES, you will have to take it with you to the place and inject in the parking lot before you go in lol

For best results we want blood drawn within 30 minutes after the injection.

I would go in see how big the line is, fill out any new client paper work in the lab corp, then excuse yourself and go outside and do your shot in the car lol

Hey D! I'm doing the exact same thing because des will be the first thing I am testing too.

I went in for a baseline test already and awaiting those results. You guys don't have to do a base line, I just was curious to see what my levels were since I have been off HGH for a few months

LR3 will be much more forgiving as far as time between shot and blood drawn!

It actually might be safest to take it with you into the labcorp and ask to use the bathroom before they call your name and do it inside. The parking lot might be a bit much :) Just pre load a syringe before you leave the house

almost forgot to mention!! be sure to eat some carbs on your way to take the test, we don't want fasted results.
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Sounds like a plan Zeek...I'm interested in a baseline just out of general curiosity.

I'll keep you updated.
Awesome bro!!

Listen D since we will probably be the first to do some tests just want to remind you and anyone else that is going to do testing with us. Lets keep the brands and the sources out of the testing threads as they get posted. Keep it basic to took so much IGF for so many days then tested and here are the results.

I want to keep this testing unbiased and clean and focused on the compounds more than who made them or sold them to us.
Very good plan. Once I'm ready for this I will be good on the timing. I have used my local lab Corp multiple times and the guy who does the blood draws knows what I'm doing, originally based on the type of test, but that led to conversations. So I can call and get daily schedules and let him know I have to time the test. They do employment drug testing so it can get busy.

I'm most interested in testing the gh peps as well but also with igf. I need a baseline also but it's going to have to wait. I wasn't planning on starting gh but had some come in and decided to just roll with it.

If we do this right it should give us a good idea of what's happening. I'm not sure on the timing for the gh pros either because they peak in about an hour then decline, so we need to figure out how that correlates to elevated igf levels. With gh it's active for around five hours, but I've seen guys test 30 minutes post inject, all the way up to 4 hours out and it seemed like the numbers climbed with time.
Awesome bro!!

Listen D since we will probably be the first to do some tests just want to remind you and anyone else that is going to do testing with us. Lets keep the brands and the sources out of the testing threads as they get posted. Keep it basic to took so much IGF for so many days then tested and here are the results.

I want to keep this testing unbiased and clean and focused on the compounds more than who made them or sold them to us.

Definitely a great idea bro. I did this on a different board for a sponsor while on their GH , still got the test results . But you guys are correct when saying timing is crucial with some of these peps , cause the pulsing with a few is measured in minutes , but it can be done , would love to get in on this. Let me know if I can help. God bless you bro. Minister.
Minister you are always included and can add a lot of experience. I've followed your logs on another board and they are always informative.

If you have any input on timing estimates it would be appreciated. And if you want to join in any testing I'm sure everyone would appreciate that, or any info from previous testing/timing/results.