Custom blend feasibility - Will it work? How should I do it?


New member
Hi everyone,

This will be my first homebrew. Powders have been ordered. Would like to do this without it possible? What ratios of BA/BB will I need, and what would be the ideal carrier oil?

Here's what powders I'm going to be using:

3g Methenolone Enanthate
3g Drostanolone Enanthate
1g Test Enanthate
1g Nandrolone Decanoate

Wanting to end up with 50ml of final product...which would end up at:

Primo - 60mg/ml
Mast E - 60mg/ml
Test E - 20mg/ml
Deca - 20mg/ml

For a total of 160mg/ml.

Planning to do 1ml of this per day, 420mg each of Mast and Primo per week, and low dose of 140 each of Test and Deca per week.

Also have 2G of dbol powder coming with everything

So is this blend doable? It doesn't sound too extreme to me, but I'm new to this.

What will I need to use in order to get this stuff to hold while still being pretty painless? Remember, I'd like to avoid having to use EO if possible.


Hi everyone,

Here's what powders I'm going to be using:

3g Methenolone Enanthate
3g Drostanolone Enanthate
1g Test Enanthate
1g Nandrolone Decanoate

This will be my first homebrew. Powders have been ordered. Would like to do this without it possible?

From my experience, Drostanolone, Test E, and Nandrolone Decanoate can be brewed without EO. In fact, they can be brewed without even BB (the solvent). I have gotten Test E and Deca up to 150-200mg/ml with just oil. It doesn't crash.

I'm not sure about Methenolone, as I have never brewed it before.

But from what I have read, Methenolone can be brewed at 150mg/ml without EO:

According to this recipe, Methenolone can be brewed at 200mg/ml without EO:
Recipes - GQ LABS

What ratios of BA/BB will I need, and what would be the ideal carrier oil?

Pharmaceutical companies use 1% for BA. I have seen many homebrew recipes use up to 2%.

Regarding BB, you won't need it for Test E, Deca, or Drostanolone E. I know this from experience.
I'm not entirely sure about Methenolone E. You can go with the BB% that the above recipe uses, or you can start with a low BB% and increase it later if needed. BB is toxic (Google), so you might want to keep this in mind when brewing. If you can get away with not using it, then you should.

Planning to do 1ml of this per day

cman, have you done any Test E or Deca cycle before? The reason I'm asking is because all of the hormones you want to use have long esters, which means you don't have to pin every day. Twice per week should be good enough.

Pinning every day or every other day is for short esters, such as acetate or propionate.

Primo - 60mg/ml
Mast E - 60mg/ml
Test E - 20mg/ml
Deca - 20mg/ml

Planning to do 1ml of this per day, 420mg each of Mast and Primo per week, and low dose of 140 each of Test and Deca per week.

If you want to pin every single day, that's your personal choice. But if you change your mind and want to pin, say, three times a week, here is what you can adjust with your brew:

Mast E - 140mg/ml
Test E - 50mg/ml
Deca - 50mg/ml

I didn't include Primo E - 140mg/ml because I haven't brewed it before, but according to the threads above, Primo E should hold at that concentration.

Good luck mate.
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That was extremely informative, thanks.

I don't mind pinning long esters every day as it keeps blood levels really consistent, and keeps the total amount of oil in each shot smaller. Pinning isn't a nuisance to me, it doesn't bothe me at all; I'm a former dope addict, so I had plenty of experience with needles before I got into hormonal "enhancement". :D

Sounds like the mix I'm considering should work out just fine as long as I use a reasonable amount of BB to be sure. Any negatives at all to using a decent amount of BB? I understand it helps keep hormones from crashing in the muscle?
That was extremely informative, thanks.

I don't mind pinning long esters every day as it keeps blood levels really consistent, and keeps the total amount of oil in each shot smaller.

You're welcome, mate.

Regarding the stable blood levels, I understand the logic behind it.

Regarding the total amount of oil in each shot smaller, I'm not sure I understand.

If you were to brew a blend where you want the amount of oil per shot to be less, then you would need to increase your concentration. For instance, let's say you're making the following blend:

1ml contains
Primo 50mg
Drost 50mg
TestE 20mg
Deca 20mg

You can reduce the amount of oil per shot by changing your recipe to the following:

1ml contains
Primo 100mg
Drost 100mg
TestE 40mg
Deca 40mg

Then, when it's time for you to pin, you can just pin 0.5ml from this new recipe and get the amount you needed.

Pinning isn't a nuisance to me, it doesn't bothe me at all; I'm a former dope addict, so I had plenty of experience with needles before I got into hormonal "enhancement". :D

LOL, I have read where some guys actually enjoy and look forward to pinning.

Sounds like the mix I'm considering should work out just fine as long as I use a reasonable amount of BB to be sure. Any negatives at all to using a decent amount of BB? I understand it helps keep hormones from crashing in the muscle?

As far as negatives to using BB, it is toxic based on the readings I have done (both from forums as well as from scientific research). I remember there was one research study done on rats, and BB killed them. I don't remember the exact amount that they used. If you do a Google search, you should be able to find it.

Also, from forum readings, BB is said to have melt rubber, such as the rubber plunger of a syringe. That doesn't sound like something I want to inject into my body, even if it's a small amount. There could be cumulative effects, and over time, it could add up.

Regarding BB preventing hormones from crashing - from what I understand, this is what it does. But as far as Mast E, Test E, and Nandro Deca, these hormones don't crash at 150-200mg/ml from my experience. And definitely, they won't crash at the concentration you want to use, which is extremely low. Test E, especially, does not need any BB. The powder itself melts in your fingers/hands like chocolate candy :).
I just meant that doing it every other day, each injection would have to be twice the size as it would be doing it every day. Same amount of oil overall, but less in each individual shot.

...if that makes more sense.
Yes, it does now :D.

Anyway, best of luck with your first brew, and please keep us posted with your progress!

Cheers mate.
ttt because my powders came today and everything is brewed up!

Ended up doing:

60mg/ml primo enanthate
60mg/ml masteron enanthate
20mg/ml test enanthate
20mg/ml nandrolone decanoate

using 32.2ml of grapeseed oil USP, with 2% BA and 20% BB for a total of 50 ml.

All went very smooth and it came out crystal clear! Pain in the ass pushing all that liquid through a damn 0.2 syringe filter though. My fingers hurt

Also brewed up 2 grams of dbol in 40 ml of grain alcohol, so that's at 50mg/ml. That was of course really easy.

All in all very pleased with how things went, so we'll see how the shit actually works soon enough!
ttt because my powders came today and everything is brewed up!

Ended up doing:

60mg/ml primo enanthate
60mg/ml masteron enanthate
20mg/ml test enanthate
20mg/ml nandrolone decanoate

using 32.2ml of grapeseed oil USP, with 2% BA and 20% BB for a total of 50 ml.

All went very smooth and it came out crystal clear! Pain in the ass pushing all that liquid through a damn 0.2 syringe filter though. My fingers hurt

Also brewed up 2 grams of dbol in 40 ml of grain alcohol, so that's at 50mg/ml. That was of course really easy.

All in all very pleased with how things went, so we'll see how the shit actually works soon enough!

I'm curious and looking forward to see your results. Keep us posted.