

New member
What do you think these guys do with the gear that gets confiscated? Do you think that it all get thrown into a big incerator or something along those lines?

My dad is a cop and he said that when they had a drug bust, they would bring it all over to the hospital to burn it in the incinerator. I figure customs must do something like this as well.
Yeah, I've always wondered about this things. Imagine when they bust a home with some juice, do they really get rid of it? I know I've seen my share of swole cops, dea, etc......
Their supposed to and I'd say for the most part they do. Like every place of employment you have people that can be shady, so some might get out but not much.

Bro I worked at one of those places when I was young. I worked for a janitorial service, back then they had cameras all over the place. I can only imagine what they have now. When I was younger I porbibly would, but with a family I wouldn't take the chance of losing my job over some drugs.

As a former police officer I can tell you that most cops are a little paranoid about things like this. If nothing else, the fear of a "set up" would keep them from taking part of the gear. When drugs are confiscated, it is inventoried with several officers present including at least one superior officer. Unless all of them are in on taking them it won't happen.
If I worked in customs I would be sure all the gear got through....I know what its like to place an order and not get the stuff!!!!!. I may contact the suppliers and tell them I wanted free cycles though!!!......LOL

This is all pipe dreaming, as I am sure like JB said they must have some seriously high tech camera equiptment all over that place to protect against crooked customs officers escpecially, post 9/11...
If i was working in customs and had to search a car and found some gear...i would sneak it into my pocket....
well if you are convicted from it or plead out of the charge you would think they would have to keep it in evidence for quite awhile. usually cops only "take" stuff when they bust someone with shit but don't charge the person, then no one knows about it except the officers at the scene.