Cut cycle to get to 7 % bodyfat


New member
I am planning to lose 1 % bodyfat every week. (Want to stop at 7 bodyfat current at 10 right now)

1~ Test prop 50 - 100 EOD
1~ NPP 100 mg EOD
1~ Clen 20 mcg or T5 (Efedrine, caffeine and aspirine

Diet will be around 2000 - 2500 calories 2.5x weight in protein and around 100-150 carbs and the rest will be fats. Sources : Egg whites, oats, greek yoghurt, chickenbreast, cashewnuts,omega 3/6, whey protein

I don't want to run anymore androgens cause of the hairloss I got from running trenbolone for 5 + months at a high dose, thank god I didnt get any bald spots from it.

Also running hcg 250 2 times every week, what do you guys think?
yes.. it would accelerate the process..

so youre aiming for about 2lbs a week.. i doubt you'll lose all muscle
yes.. it would accelerate the process..

so youre aiming for about 2lbs a week.. i doubt you'll lose all muscle

Nice to hear, so sticking with Nandrolone would be a better bet? Because it less androgenic? I tried NPP and I love it tbh more then tren.. its a shame I cycled it for a long time
Nice to hear, so sticking with Nandrolone would be a better bet? Because it less androgenic? I tried NPP and I love it tbh more then tren.. its a shame I cycled it for a long time

i personally like tren for these specific goals.. but yea deca will likely do the same thing
i personally like tren for these specific goals.. but yea deca will likely do the same thing

I tried cutting on tren, I went great, I ate about 1500 calories every day and still had energy left to do cardio etc.. but I couldnt sleep and ate the entire fridge... the insomnia and cravings with tren is my downfall
Run the tren and join the bald club. Looking good op you will cut that fat without a problem regardless of what compounds you run if you know how to eat right.
Run the tren and join the bald club. Looking good op you will cut that fat without a problem regardless of what compounds you run if you know how to eat right.

Thank you pal! I dont mind being bald but I dont have the face for it.

Tren ace 500 mg + for months bro and no bald spots, I have luck i guess :P
Great build on you man, looks like you have most of your ducks in a row. I'm the same as you with the good hair genetics...consider yourself blessed! If you get a chance run a log on this cycle, would like to see the finished product
Great build on you man, looks like you have most of your ducks in a row. I'm the same as you with the good hair genetics...consider yourself blessed! If you get a chance run a log on this cycle, would like to see the finished product

Thanks bro, I will consider doing a log. About the hair genetics, i wish i was blessed.. I had hairloss during cycle which mean Im prone to it, thats the mean reason I never could do high gear otherwise I would be 3 times bigger.
The tren cycle was a mistake on my part regarding diet.. If you believe people on the internet sometimes you will dig a hole for yourself..
Talking about the gh-15 crap with the ''you can eat shit on high tren'' etc