Cutting Advice - AAS or Natural


New member
First off the reason I've posted in Anabolic section is because I'm possibly considering a cycle or natty depending on advice!

Sex: Male
Age: 27
Height: 5'9
Weight: 182lbs
BF: 15% (Calipers)

The advice I'm looking for is,
I'm wanting to get to a 8-10% body fat range and I know it's mainly diet that will get me there.
I've been told different things from so many different people and I thought I'd ask some experienced people out there.. If I cut down naturally to 8-10% range (Not wanting stage lean) will I lose much muscle mass? only going from 15% to 10%.

Some people say anything under 12% naturally even with good diet, you'll lose a bit of muscle mass without the aid of AAS and look flat, but if done with AAS you'll be heavier and look more full after the cut.
Scared of losing the muscle mass I have because of a ton of different opinions on the matter, some say 15% or lower naturally cut you lose muscle.. others say 12% and others say under 10% not sure what to believe.

Would it be waste of AAS to use for this cut? If I can get away with cutting naturally to say 8-10% range and lose close to no muscle, I'll be happy and save my AAS for bulk.
PS: I've got a mate who has cut with Test + Tren and also cut naturally and when on AAS he looked so vascular and amazing. Still looked good naturally.. but obviously not as good.

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Running a cycle will make it easier to cut body fat in a caloric deficit and it will help ensure you maintain muscle mass (with sufficient protein). Either one of your past cycles would be a good choice for a cutting cycle. Key is dialing in your diet.
Yeah I've got a good local guy who has done my diet up for me and I have no trouble following it.. mainly just wondering if I should spend my money on anabolics to gain quality size after a natural cut or just use them to cut and look better when I hit that body fat goal.

Like the last time I was in the 8-10% body fat range was a fair while ago, I always hover around 12-15% and I felt pretty damn tiny back when I was lean.. and given with all the you lose muscle once your under this fat percent stuff..