Cutting Back


New member
What can I expect from cutting back on my calories. I was consuming roughly 3500 a day while taking Test E (500mg)/Week. I'm definitely putting on size, good and bad. I'm just over halfway through a 10 week cycle. I don't want to gain anymore fat so if I cut down to 2500 what can I expect? I will still see strength gains etc while on the Test, just not much gain in the bulking area.

I weigh 226 now and started probably around 210. I was actually at 230 for a few days but the last week I already started cutting back on the cals. My chest and arms have definitely gotten bigger, but my stomach sickens me now and I want to lower the BF. Next time I'm going to make sure I go in with a lower BF. I actually stopped doing cardio as well for some reason! Going to start that up again. I just don't want to lose any strength.
Waceyf hit it right on the head, I'm sure that you are carrying alot of water and probably am confusing that with fat also. Are you hitting the cardio hard enough? I know that most are not and also is your diet clean? Those are a few things that people definately neglect imo..

I stopped doing cardio all together. I'm going to start back up tomorrow. I use to be all about the cardio but the last 4-5 months I seem to really dislike it. Diet is far from perfect but I'm cleaning it up now.
What does your cardio consist of brother?? No need to go high intensity and run your ass off. Do a brisk walk on an incline for 30-45 minutes and keep your heart rate around 125-130bpm. I do that and play a game on my phone or watch tv and its over before I know it, So no chance to get bored.