Cutting cycle, need tips


New member
I am currently 5'10" 190lbs at 14% BF. Aiming for 185-190lbs at 9-10%.

I've ran a few cycles of H-drol. I have had great results. I usually gain ~5lbs of lean (retained) mass in 6 weeks and drop ~4% BF. Here is what I do

6 weeks
- 75mg H-drol per day
- 2 servings cycle assist (start 2 weeks prior)
- dandelion root
- fish oil
- multi

- animal stak
- cycle assist

This time around I want to drop the cycle to 50mg a day and add in eliteoxy pro. Is this a good idea and can I add anything else?
id really rethink that pct

otc wise

testosterone recovery stack gets pushed alot
ghenerate gets good reviews too

no matter what you choose id grap testforce or tcf-1, daa is the shit

cycle wise no need to drop the dose, you already know what you are getting, if anything id pay with the oep dose, do 1am and 1 mid afternoon, then if all is good add another pill to the am dose

good luck on the cut amigo
Thanks for the advice. I'll look into the sups you suggested. I'll most likely get erase and tcf-1. How should I does the erase? It says 1-3 a day. Should I start with 3, drop it to 2 after 2 weeks, and to 1 for the last week? Starting the aforementioned cycle monday.
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Thanks for the advice. I'll look into the sups you suggested. I'll most likely get erase and tcf-1. How should I does the erase? It says 1-3 a day. Should I start with 3, drop it to 2 after 2 weeks, and to 1 for the last week? Starting the aforementioned cycle monday.

yeah id do it that way....or do 3 for 3weeks, then taper the last week 2/2/2/2/1/1/1

either way just come off it slow

tcf-1 is good, tastes fkn good too