Cutting questions?


New member
I am a new member and id like to say whats up to everybody! I am 6 ft /235/18% body fat. I have tried everyway to get cut-up and see no results. Any examples of a good cutting cycle?
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Welcome to the board bro.

Almost any cycle can be used either for cutting, maintaining, or bulking, it is all dependant on diet.
Can anyone give me an example diet plan? I have taken 5 cycles. (1) 20 karachis, (2) Deca/d-bol , (3) 25 shots test enanthate and 40 anadrols, (4)clen/winny , (5) , 20 shots prop/20 enathate/200 d-bols/clomid was used on all cycles. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is scarce where i live so couldnt get that.
