cutting then bulking to cutting again


New member
a couple months ago i started getting serious with my diet... at first i wanted to shed off some BF% so i did cardio 3-4 times a week, running or eliptical machine for 30 mins. and lifting the days i dont do cardio. then after about 3 weeks i had stayed the same weight, but my stoumach muscles started to show up, so then i stopped doing cardio, started lifting every day, and gained about 7-9 pounds in a month... now im gonna try and keep the muscle and drop sommore
BF%... thing is... my diet has stayed the same
600am- wake up, shit shower shave...
645am- 6 egg whites, 2 whole eggs, bowl of oatmeal
900am- protein drink (25g protein), bowl of oatmeal
11am- lean meat (chicken breast, turkey, tuna, fish etc..), veggies
230pm- same as 11am
530pm- same
730pm- gym
830-9pm (after workout)- protein drink, dextrose
930-10pm- bedtime.

ill be doing cardio 3 times a week again, lifting the other days. any other advice to shed BF% besides taking flax, or extra EFA's? (no access to that right now)
Id have a Meal at 930 or 10 PM. That Shake is not going to last you through the Night. Also do you know how many Cals you are Takin in?
I agree with wildman, maybe have the shake a bit eariler and drink eigther a protein shake with milk and flax oil,.,, but since u dont' have efa's have milk and egg whites,, the milk will slowly release protein to ur cells while u sleep
wildman536 said:
Id have a Meal at 930 or 10 PM. That Shake is not going to last you through the Night.

yep, i agree. I'd suggest having some cottage cheese and some efa's before bed.:)
can you not eat some fish like salmon or have some nuts or nut butters? Olive oil ? U really need some fat in there that's good
i have access to peanuts, mixed nuts and pistachios... latley have been snacking on peanuts (lightly salted) when i get an itchin to snack. the chow hall doesnt have cottage cheese, oh god how i wish they did. and i eat fish whenever they have it available. on my days off i work out earlier in teh day and have my last meal about 730-8pm or so. but on days i work i dont get off until 730 or so, and out of the gym until 834-9. eggs arent available that late in teh day and they are offered at the midnight meal but they dont start serving until 11pm, and i try to get to bed by 10. ill see what i can do about maybe eating some nuts, and drinking some skim milk before bed. maybe mixing my after workout shakes with skim milk if its that late in teh day? whatcha think?
i wouldn't mix my post workout shake with milk
even if it's the case that you train right before bed, try waiting an hour before u have ur pw shake and going to bed then u can drink a glass of milk and hit the sack maybe
I wouldn't suggest mixing your post workout shake with milk either, just dextrose and protein.
I would really try to get in that extra meal before bed.:)
what kinda meals before bed would help out( trying to cutup a little more) like egg whites or cottage cheese only? hmm.... ill see if i can start grabbing some extra eggs in teh morning and keep them at work. then after i get off just take them with me and eat them right before bed... like 4 whites is good?
Fyre said:
yep, i agree. I'd suggest having some cottage cheese and some efa's before bed.:)

EFAs are best taken with carbs, and I wouldn't recommend carbs before bed. I would say get your EFAs with higher carb meals.