Cycle advice, building off what i have around


New member
Im building a spring cycle off mostly what i have around and haven't used. Im 29 5-10 195lb about 8-10%bf. Im looking to build a solid spring cycle for mostly cutting but still building. I travel alot for my job so i need to be quick as possible while still being effective.

I will be continuing hgh 4iu before and will end with this cycle, may go up with cycle...
Week 1-8 test E - 250mg per wk - pin ed
week 1-8 tren - 200mg per wk - pin ed (only have one vial on hand of tri tren- will get what i need unless taken out of cycle)
Week 2-8 Stanavar 40mg ed
hcg then post cycle

Im don't want to go to crazy with the cycle, Last cycle was around 500mg wk with test / tren and had great results.
let me know what you think about the combination and dosages.
seems like a really scrapped together cycle . you got some test E , then you got a mixture of tren ace, tren hex, tren e , then on top of it your gonna throw in a little bit of winstrol (20mg) and var (20mg) (i.e., the Stanavar).

in theory the compounds selected are fine , low doses are fine too, but for an 8 week cut run I'd simplify it and get rid of blends and make it more like this.

test prop - 25mg ed week 1-8
tren ace - 50g ed week 1-8
Var 40 mg ed week 1-8
Winny 40 mg ed week 4-8
Considering the different stuff should I step the dosage down need the end of the cycle or just end it? My previous cycles where very basic.
my first cycle was anavar and test low dosage and gains where minor can't really remember it was over a year,
second cycle was tri tren and test both around 500mg week and was gaining around 10-12lb a month for 12wks

This cycle i don't want it to be as notice able if that makes sense i got alot of unwanted attention of people saying how much bigger i was getting and ill be happy with half that but i want a nice cut currently i have like a full or bloated look and high isn't killing my stubborn torso fat.

Currently I'm running high and igf1 and just got my blood results back both levels are through the roof
Considering the different stuff should I step the dosage down need the end of the cycle or just end it?

no point in tapering down . everything you'd be taking is a fast acting ester, so you can stop and jump on pct fairly quick. the ONLY time I recommend a taper is during a bulk while using Dbol