Cycle Advice, Cardio Complications


New member
I am looking for some advice for a new cycle.

I have a 6 month long event, tentative, coming up in 2 months, where I will have to run for 6 miles, once, maybe twice per week, with crossfit like training likely ed.

My goals are to gain lean mass, but I understand training up to this cardio is put first. I have already run off about 8lbs, but I look very lean, not ripped or peeled but about 10 % all abs showing.

I have sust300, superdrol, eq, test prop and tren in my arsenal, but of course am open to other stuff. Also I am using 4iu of kig 5 on 2 off.

My proposal is 400 to 600mg of Sustanon (sust) per week. Switching to test prop to make post cycle therapy (pct) easier if event happens. If not, keep Sustanon (sust) and cut running. In addition to this, I want to start with 25mg of tren ace ed, ramping up or dropping it if sides are too bad. I have run tren ace before with good results.

I am currently 182lbs, 10 %, 6', and 31 years old. Multiple successful prior cycles but they were sporadic, and with the cardio, that's why body weight is so low currently. I would be happy with 195-200lbs, at single digit bf. aesthetics matter most to me. My current job does not allow for too much eating. I eat breakfast, one meal and one protein bar separated of course. Then when off work can eat as much as needed. Let me know if more info is needed.

Thanks for your input, even if you recommend not cycling at this point!
After some more research, it seems SARMS may be the best.

Also heard EQ is good for these types of activities. Someone also recommended halodrol.

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