Cycle Advice Needed- test e, dbol, winny


New member
I'm currently starting my first OFFICIAL cycle. The reason I say official is because I used Test Prop without PCT when I was 18 for 8 weeks to prepare for an All-star football game. I was given the info from a buddy at the gym. Needless to say, I had no research or experience with AAS's and had no business using them at that point in my life. Anyway, I had no side effects that weren't the usual, sex drive etc.

So I hadn't planned on entering the steroid world again until a guy I work with suggested it to me. This was about three months ago and I have been doing research often since then. I have gathered an extreme wealth of information but do not in anyway believe I am fully knowledge on everything I should know so that's why I have registered at my favorite forum to read from, this one, and seek advice on modifications I should make.

My previous experience is I have been in the weight training scene for 6 years. I have taken the last year off from the gym due to a back injury I suffered from at work. Common in the oilfield. Anyway, I have been back in the gym for the last 4 months and I'm just not seeing the results I want so that's why I have opted to get into steroid use. My current stats are as follows:
22.5 yrs old
225-8 lbs (weight changes regularly but averages between there)
15-18% BF - do not have an exact number

I have experience in dieting as I have been dieting ever since I entered the lifting community so I'm In check with that. I have multiple weight training programs that I have developed for myself depending on my goals so I'm in check there.

After much research and reading the do's and don'ts I have developed this plan and PCT for myself. I should also add, I've had experience with DBol as well, which I took with test boosters in high school as well.

wk 1-12 Test E 250mg twice a wk (Monday-Thursday)
wk 1-6 DBol 30mg ed
wk 10-14 Winny inj. 50mg eod

wk 14 hCG 500iu ed for 10 days
wk 15 Clomid 100mg ed / Nolvadex 50mg ed
wk 16 Clomid 75mg ed / Nolvadex 25mg ed
wk 17 Clomid 75mg ed / Nolvadex 25mg ed
wk 18 Clomid 50mg ed / Nolvadex 10mg ed

I also have on hand Aromasin. Support supplements are Milk Thistle for liver support, Fish oil for Omega 3's, and a Cholestrol antioxidant. Other supplements that will be taken throughout the cycle will be a Multi-Vitamin, Whey Protein, and BCAA's.

Another supplement I have thought about adding and would appreciate opinions on whether or not I should add is T3.

My overall goal is to build a quality amount of mass but to cut BF% down to 10-12%. For this, some may find DBol contradictive but as my research has concluded, DBol has goal to achieve mass and strength without adding fat. My diet will be developed for this cycle and will strictly prohibit simple sugars, excess carbs, and minimal saturated and trans fats. I have also read to reduce sodium while using DBol.

One final note, this is still a work in progress cycle; This is the reason I'm posting to get input before I start. My coworker is on his 7th cycle and has a pretty broad experience with steroid use and is a chemistry geek. I plan to start the cycle in 2-4 wks.

I would like to take this time to thank all of you ahead of time for even taking the time out of your day to help me. So with that being said, let the constructive criticism begin.
Pretty solid cycle, clear you've done a quality amount of research.

I personally prefer anavar over Winny. I've heard horror stories of winny shredding hair and dries you out big time. I think winny is more of a contest prep only drug.

Also I recommend taking your Test shots earlier in the day and running an AI During cycle.

Edit: I was skimming through the first read, as the next guy says your hcg is off. You shouldn't Run and have HCG overlap in to your post cycle.
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You're a little young imo to be starting aas. For your cycle, it's off a bit. One should just stick to test e for their first cycle. Winny is off bad, and too advanced. Your HCG is off as well, in a bad way. And, an AI is pretty much standard.
Back to the drawing board. But take the time to do more research as your endocrine system continues to develop. Your body will appreciate it.
And good for your buddy being a chemistry geek. Haha....
Of course too young.
Aromasin on hand? NO... Ai run from day one. BACK to research

Some of the High Estrogen Side Effects

The side effects of high Estrogen are not limited to only Gynecomastia. There is a host of other side effects that a person should be aware of and so this is why an AI should be run from the beginning of a cycle until the startup of PCT.

Anxiety & panic attacks
Erectile dysfunction
Water retention
High blood pressure
Loss of balance/instability/dizziness
Respiratory related concerns
Low libido
Prostate related issues
Bitchiness and mood swings

Dbol then Winstrol on first cycle? NO way too advanced. Again where is your research.
no winny

joint pain
lipid s skewed
hair loss

do 1 compound please..

you got decades to do it right ...

good luck

I d wait..your a big boy son