Cycle advice on 32 week cycle of TestE, Bold, Masteron, Var


New member
Hey folks just wanted to run my cycle with the the members on this site and hear from some of the members on what they had to share and most importantly and the advice that can be given.

Im 25 years of age
14%BF, i was at 21.9% approximately 12 weeks prior (I'm at week 13 of my cycle and have started the boldenone.
Currently doing 3rd cycle
Eating about 2200Cals a day
Training 4 days a week
Cardio anywhere between 2-3 times a week however it will be going up to 4 as of this week
Previous cycles were a mix of test, boldenone and Stana
1st one being a test only cycle for 12 weeks @ 250mg
2nd Test 500mg - Boldenone 400mg 16 weeks

now I'm at my third which follows

1-11 (250mg test enathate)
12-26 (500 mg test enathate, 600mg Boldenone)
26-32 (500mg test enathate, 400mg masterone propinate, 80mg anavar

0.5mg arimidex eod

35-39 Noldadex of 40/40/20/20mg each day broken into weeks

What i would like to know is on when and how much should i take of HCG?
if i should add clomiD? if so where and what dose?
If i should make any chances to the cycle as for dose and duration?

MY AIM: is to reach the 9-10% BF mark

All help and advice will be much appreciated and feel free to ask anything that may help.
Thanks in advance
are you on trt??... im guessing not because youre going to run pct...

do you want to be on trt for life?? this is a sure fire way to do it
yur cycle is too long IMO, all your compounds are long ester except the mast prop, ???.

And it would be wise to get bloodwork done to monitor hemotocrit as EQ makes red blood cells more so than any other compound.

Just seems to be a little too long - too much IMO
No not on TRT and certainly don't want to be either, could you shed some light on where you got that idea from
carvereli thank for the respond, what would be your ideal length in cycle also what compounds should i be cutting or running shorter if i had to so to speak
3J probably mentioned that because the first 11 weeks are basically a TRT dose of Test. I see no need for a cycle this long unless you are on TRT. The longer youre on the harder it is to recover IF you even do.

I personally would have ran the test and eq for 16weeks, mast the last 12 weeks and var the last 8 weeks. Keeping the doses of each the same all the way through. Thats just me though.
why would you run a 32 weeks cycle??

whats the reason for it?? shutting down natty production for that long makes recovery very difficult.. not impossible but difficult..
I have a better understanding on where you are coming from if i was to say run the anavar at around week 19-25 and end the cycle there meaning run the masteron my next cycle so to speak would that be a better off result?
you shouldn't be cycling past 16 weeks.. running 250mg a week is a waste too.. that's not a real cycle.. that's pretty much a higher trt dose..
due to starting the boldenone a little late I'm a little hesitant to be stopping at the 16 week mark, if i was to run the bold for 14 weeks and drop the lot in week 25 that the earliest i could think of so to speak. I could possibly squeeze the anavar in for 8 weeks up at week 18-19 for 6 weeks at around 60mg a day however I'm a little unsure on my next move
scrap the cycle.. run a pct... time on = time off.. then run a 16 week cycle the right way
Your cycle really wasn't a well planned one to begin with. I don't understand why u ran basically a trt dose for so long then jumped into your actual cycle. Plus, 2200 call is a lil low for a cycle/ training schedule that you got planned. Simply put, you gotta gotta gotta eat! No substitute for that. I agree that u should pct with nolva+clomid and take that time off to research your next cycle before pinning yourself with whatever leftovers u got in your stash...
How bad could it be if I pushed it to 25 weeks?

you could permanently damage your hpta and have low testosterone for life..

did you do bloodwork before you started this cycle?? do you know what your baseline testosterone levels are?