Cycle background what to do?


New member
So here's the deal I'm 19 in college on pct right now, was a stupid 17 about to be 18 year old kid took test e from a guy at the local y went from 116 lbs to 150 in 8 weeks holy shit and im only 5'6 btw so I looked big and i said to myself i should keep doing this. Now no pct was ran here because guy from Y said that it was not needed he's oldschool. Second cycle deca only made some great gains in 8 weeks then I lived in hell for about 3 months after, no appetite, smell of food made me want to throw up, fun fact i threw up at olive garden on the first date with my gf of over a year now. After 3 months i bounced back felt great weighing 130lbs. I'm 19 now in my first semester of college I know i started way to young and should probably stop but i just cycled test e 500mg for 10 weeks along with epistane I jumped up to 160 and I am feeling quite good post cycle taking clomid and trying to bridge with ostarine. So after pct ill probably be high 150's or even stay at 160 if i train my asss off my question is ultimately should i continue the time on = time off way of life or should I step away from the gear and come back at a later time. Thanks all and yes I know i was too young and I admit i was an idiot still might be actually we'll see.
Step away from gear my friend. You are nowhere near your body's natural potential. Your still going or filling out as a man. Get your diet on point, train hard, get proper sleep.
So here's the deal I'm 19 in college on pct right now, was a stupid 17 about to be 18 year old kid took test e from a guy at the local y went from 116 lbs to 150 in 8 weeks holy shit and im only 5'6 btw so I looked big and i said to myself i should keep doing this. Now no pct was ran here because guy from Y said that it was not needed he's oldschool. Second cycle deca only made some great gains in 8 weeks then I lived in hell for about 3 months after, no appetite, smell of food made me want to throw up, fun fact i threw up at olive garden on the first date with my gf of over a year now. After 3 months i bounced back felt great weighing 130lbs. I'm 19 now in my first semester of college I know i started way to young and should probably stop but i just cycled test e 500mg for 10 weeks along with epistane I jumped up to 160 and I am feeling quite good post cycle taking clomid and trying to bridge with ostarine. So after pct ill probably be high 150's or even stay at 160 if i train my asss off my question is ultimately should i continue the time on = time off way of life or should I step away from the gear and come back at a later time. Thanks all and yes I know i was too young and I admit i was an idiot still might be actually we'll see.

Through all of this have you had any bloodwork?
Might be a stupid question but if I quit now do you think I'll still be able to grow to what I'm supposed to naturally now that I have introduced my body to these chemicals. I don't want to waste away and deflate to what I was used to. Goal in mind is to eventually sit at 210 but I realize I have plenty of time to get there I just don't want to go in reverse now that I'm going to stay away from gear till I'm ready say 23-24
Through all of this have you had any bloodwork?

I have went to my family doctor which was a new one he had asked me if I had any recent weight change I told him yea I've gained 40 or so pounds and he have me a blood test and I was told everything was normal liver and kidneys were fine. And last semester at school I went on campus and got my test levels checked the 4th week into my cycle total test was around 2400 or so then if I recall correctly but other than that no bloodwork.
growth is based upon nutrition first... your keep what you eat brother.. keep that in mind..

chances are your nutrition is poor..
Might be a stupid question but if I quit now do you think I'll still be able to grow to what I'm supposed to naturally now that I have introduced my body to these chemicals. I don't want to waste away and deflate to what I was used to. Goal in mind is to eventually sit at 210 but I realize I have plenty of time to get there I just don't want to go in reverse now that I'm going to stay away from gear till I'm ready say 23-24[/QUOTE
the only stupid question is the one not asked. As long as you pct right and hopefully ran hcg throughout your cycle you will recover nicely and def should be able to still grow especially cause of your age. But like 3J said, your diet is the key in this !
Thanks for being helpful and this cycle was the only time I have ran pct but am feeling great towards the end of it, I'll go get blood work done soon.
You're absolutely right I've just been eating whatever I've felt like no proper diet of any sort. I'll look into proper ways to bulk now and just eat and train hard. I appreciate how helpful you guys are and will continue my research so when I'm ready to start up again I'll be able to run some good and efficient cycles.
No problem bro. Remember, any question you have throw it out here. Lots of guys on here with many years experience. Good luck. 3J is are guy around here for diets.
If you have had money to buy all this gear to do these cycles you have money to get with 3j and he'll build a diet for you. You need to be eating high protein and some carbs in order to bulk. Hit the diet forum an post a thread asking for his help.
If you have had money to buy all this gear to do these cycles you have money to get with 3j and he'll build a diet for you. You need to be eating high protein and some carbs in order to bulk. Hit the diet forum an post a thread asking for his help.

I'd reverse those macros.. Almost - as a natty, more than 1 gr protein per lb body weight is pointless your body can't assimilate any more than that. Quality carbs is the key and healthy fats
I'd reverse those macros.. Almost - as a natty, more than 1 gr protein per lb body weight is pointless your body can't assimilate any more than that. Quality carbs is the key and healthy fats

Where did you get this information? I agree carbs should be higher (they are also protein-sparing) but I'd never go under 1.25g/lb. I go up to 1.5g/lb for cutting.
I'd reverse those macros.. Almost - as a natty, more than 1 gr protein per lb body weight is pointless your body can't assimilate any more than that. Quality carbs is the key and healthy fats

I meant to say high protein, high carbs But I was rushing getting ready and doing to many things at once and wrote some. I dk why. I dont think you should lower protein ever if your goal is strength, regardless if your cutting or bulking.
Nobody who weighs 130lbs needs to be juicing. Just how i feel...

Tell that to lance Armstrong .. Seemed to work well for him

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Went from 147 to 187.. Should I have not juiced? Fuk no, I'm glad I did..
I don't get the mentality that you have to be big already in order to 'qualify' to take gear
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Where did you get this information? I agree carbs should be higher (they are also protein-sparing) but I'd never go under 1.25g/lb. I go up to 1.5g/lb for cutting.

Years ago I did some reading in a friends exercise physiology textbook. The number they had was .8 gr/lb body weight if I remember correctly. At any rate, the amount of protein one needs is often overrated. Yes, it's important to get enough. So make sure you pad get plenty. Just keep in mind that the excess is processed through your kidneys. Some extra is no problem, but double what your body can use for years and it can lead to kidney issues.
Enter in anabolics and the body can use the extra protein easier due to the drugs.but still there's a limit.

That's one issue I have with the Atkins diet/lifestyle. 6-8 weeks is fine, but after awhile you need to give your kidneys a break.
Years ago I did some reading in a friends exercise physiology textbook. The number they had was .8 gr/lb body weight if I remember correctly. At any rate, the amount of protein one needs is often overrated. Yes, it's important to get enough. So make sure you pad get plenty. Just keep in mind that the excess is processed through your kidneys. Some extra is no problem, but double what your body can use for years and it can lead to kidney issues.
Enter in anabolics and the body can use the extra protein easier due to the drugs.but still there's a limit.

That's one issue I have with the Atkins diet/lifestyle. 6-8 weeks is fine, but after awhile you need to give your kidneys a break.

Well there is a lot of debate on protein requirements for athletes. Yeah I believe 0.6-0.8g/lb is for the general population - this is not nearly enough for someone exercising several times a week. Protein requirements also change depending on the type of exercise (cardio, different sports, heavy lifting, light lifting-high rep) etc. And whether or not the person is in a deficit, maintenance or surplus.

Like I said there is a lot of debate on exact numbers for athletes, some textbooks will say 1g and others 1.2 or 1.5g/lb. Personally I am of the belief when it comes to bodybuilding a little extra protein is better than a little under. I don't think your going to stress your kidneys much unless your consuming well over 350g/day. I do agree it's a great idea to give the body rest every so often, take 2-3 weeks to eat at maintenance and slightly lower protein.

Just my 2cents :)

Edit: If your really interested in protein requirements & metabolism give Lyle McDonald's "The Protein Book" a read. Amazing book.