Cycle - Bulk at beginning and lean towards end


Vegan Carnivore
Looking for suggestions.
Age 38
Weight 213 (10% bf or slightly less)
Height 5'9"
Lifting for 15 years.

I've been blasting and cruising with test for last 2 years...between 200mg for 10 weeks and 400mg for 10 weeks.

If a source comes through for me,
I'm thinking about the following:

Week 1-12 - Sustanon 250 at 750mg week
Week 1-12 - NPP 400mg week
Week 13-18 Anavar 50mg day
Week 13 Back on HRT 200mg
Ai as needed.

I'm thinking about doing a comp in coming year. Would like to drop okme more bf in run up to it. Thinking about adding anavar after I come off test to try and lean down when dropping calories a bit.

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Trying to bulk and cut in 18 weeks is improbable. Do one or the other. Pros don't even attempt to do this and god knows what they're on.
I'm a little hesitant to run tren...specifically for some of the sides.
Something to think about though.

Thx for responses.
Trying to bulk and cut in 18 weeks is improbable. Do one or the other. Pros don't even attempt to do this and god knows what they're on.

This^^ I don't undersand what people think. As Tbone said the Pro
s don't do this.

If you are talking about water being part or the significant part of bulk, well then yes you can water up and lose the water bleat weight and visual and get lean.

THis is what people don't get. When guys Pro's / competitors bulk off season this means yea they will allow a little water but that's all part of gaining strength and Mass to lift more and hence stimulate the process of tearing down and rebuilding to build MASS and not necessarily lean.

Then when a guy has build / grown a certain amount of mass he diets and uses some specific compounds with test base to help hold the LMM while they diet and go into a caloric deficiency.

You need , depending on the DIET a compound such as Winstrol or Var to hold that mass, stay hard and bring out the vascularity.

You have this in your proposed cycle..G2G but in the sense of Bulking and leaning in one cycle I though it to be a good thing for you and others to understand.

Now this I put into some simple terms for some people to understand. You cannot build much mass, Lean Muscle Mass in just one cycle only to then in the same cycle deplete and hold that same unstable little bit of new mass...

Like the a competitor there is seasons, off season and on season..... a bulking season and then a leaning out season. Again I put this together in very simplistic way so maybe people can grasp it.

OP I would like to see a pic of 5'9" at 213 and less then 10 % Not to doubt you but we all like to see the good work others do . Welcome :wavey:
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5, 9 213 under 10 percent huh ? So your 2 inches shorter the same weight as my AVI but 2 point s leaner to boot. Dude your lean already; very for February I m o.
I m at 11 point s on a good day and if I compete 8 percent is maintainable for me for like 10 day s then my rosey personality goes to shit as I love food..LOVE FOOD.
High quality like a bag of taco s, 2 whoppers and 2 fries and a chocolate shake lol. To try to make a significant anything in 18 week s is a great run but ultimately it s only 18 weeks.
Serious recomp s take 6 months to 18 month s but at 213 what s ur goal as < 10 points is very very lean.
I think my definition of bulk differs than a bit of you regulars on here, but none the less, appreciate the advice.

I'd post a pic, but I think with the server switch, the permissions to the upload file folder have not been adjusted (mods/admin if you need any help, message me, I run quite a few sites/on multiple servers.)

Now this I put into some simple terms for some people to understand. You cannot build much mass, Lean Muscle Mass in just one cycle only to then in the same cycle deplete and hold that same unstable little bit of new mass...

Good stuff...I'm still experimenting/learning with compounds. My aim wasn't to go all out and build a shit ton of muscle with no regard to fat....was hoping to add some quality weight and drop calories at week 12 and run Var while test/NPP still in system for a little while to bring BF back to considerable number. I'm a very clean eater even during bulk.

Hmm, more research to do though.
............aaaahhhhhh nice lean FOREARMS......................213 huh ?
Yup. Maybe I'm closer to 11-12%? Dunno, holding a bit of water today after 10k calories yesterday.
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How are you getting in 10k? I'm 50lbs heavier and have a hard time getting to 7k.

Yesterday was 590c/250f/490p

Looking good.

Thx man. fuk i guess my forearms do need to come up a bit now that Teutonic mentioned it, hah.

2 things:

- I'm over-training 1 to 2 days a week right now, so...the day prior I'll go 1.5 hour to 2 hours on legs (cardio included) and restrict calories that day to 200g fat, 400g protein and 50g carbs...the next day is 10k hunger is insane, can throw down anything.

- Avocados, 10-12 of them throughout day...and coconut steak for 5 of 8 meals. That's bulk of my 3k-4k cals in carbs. I was never able to go above 7,500 cal count until I started adding 1-2 avocado for every meal. Adds good flavor (i eat a lot of southwest style foods/salsa).
looking good bro!
regarding your cycle; im actually looking into something similar, TEST/TBOL/Deca OR Test/VAR/Deca for lean mass.cant decide between var or tbol though i think diet is the most important factor deciding the outcome of your cycle and i suck at dieting so the best advice i could give you is go for a lean mass gain, strict your diet as much as possible!
Btw: im same height as you but lighter LOl 187lb , u make me look like a newb LOL keep it up tho!
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I don't see any issue with your cycle other than the amount of test you're planning to run.

I'd try lowering the test to around 250-300, and let the NPP be the star of the cycle.

I don't see anything wrong with bulking for 3 months and then for 6 weeks trying to burn the fat you acquired from the bulking while using var to help preserve muscle.

Your fore's look good to me

why is your right trap larger?
Is there any possible chance it's due to him having his right arm off to the side while he's raising his left arm, making his left trap look smaller? You know, two different arm / shoulder angles. Try it while looking in the mirror.
Regarding right trap, RJX would be correct, I'm holding camera with left hand, so left trap looks shorter/smaller due to contraction.

@fitguy22, I lose a lot of muscle when dieting down, so I always lean bulk as much as possible. I hear you though at your weight...It's been a LOOOONNGGG road to 213...10 years at least with a few light cycles here and there. The thing is, at 185-190 on frames likes yours and mine looks good, as long as bodyfat is at a decent level. 4 months ago, I was at 225, but 15-20% bodyfat....looked awful. Face bloated, and hips were 34-35"...just not a good look, don't want to get that out of shape again.

@RJX Thx man, I'll consider. I dunno, maybe I should just run a low dose of tren and skip the NPP??
So I don't know why I didn't see n follow this thread , ha, but here I am now lol :laugh:

You look really good man !

Thanks for the tip on the Avocado's. My wife , ex, three doors down , lol, loves them and I don't care for them. Maybe I should learn to like them so I can get some calories in. Right now I am having trouble eating and just getting over some severe stomach problems.

I can't seem to eat like I did when I was younger either... FYI I am 65 yrs..
Regarding right trap, RJX would be correct, I'm holding camera with left hand, so left trap looks shorter/smaller due to contraction.

@fitguy22, I lose a lot of muscle when dieting down, so I always lean bulk as much as possible. I hear you though at your weight...It's been a LOOOONNGGG road to 213...10 years at least with a few light cycles here and there. The thing is, at 185-190 on frames likes yours and mine looks good, as long as bodyfat is at a decent level. 4 months ago, I was at 225, but 15-20% bodyfat....looked awful. Face bloated, and hips were 34-35"...just not a good look, don't want to get that out of shape again.

@RJX Thx man, I'll consider. I dunno, maybe I should just run a low dose of tren and skip the NPP??

i hear ya bro, i havent cycled for about 1.5 years and in between that time and now iv put on bf cuz of work and other stuff going on, got to 18%bf looked horrible LOl got my bf down to 14% took me 5 months cuz i didnt want to lose too much of my mass but im at perfect stage to do a lean bulk, i still would like to be at 9-10% bf , you look shredded af lol
Damn it son but your lean, full as --ck and look very very powerful.!
May I call you Mike Mentzer ? lol
U look better than 98 percent of the population and 85 percent of peep s I know. I do not hang with fat or stupid people so I N MS I hang with my dog s or clients. I do not run w undisciplined type s .
GOOD WORK.!!!!!!