Cycle for a physique show?


New member
So I'm sitting around 195 I want to do a physique show and I'm wondering what I should run. I think I need to get to about 210 while working on all my weak areas. Once I get there I'll cut down with my diet. I'm just wondering do I run test,decca,tbol or do I run test,eq,tbol or test,tren,tbol to gain the weight. Decca scares me cause my libido sucks and Decca dick and I hate the bloat look. Tren scares me cause the night sweats and how hard it shuts you down. Any advice on what I should run to start my journey?
There's no magic cycle bro. It's all trial and error. What works for you. Your diet is going to predict your physic anyway.
Test deca dbol is a proven mass builder ( for most) while test tren and mast help bring out cuts. Mind you most of the gain/cut ultimately depends on your diet.
Tren use while cutting cLories really help you maintain yur hard earned muscle, more so than any other aas. All Aas has sides bro, really up to you which ones you can tolerate to attain yur goals
the guys are right.. its highly individualistic... i have a different plan for every client.. because every client isn't the same
Not much to add...focus on adding quality size without turning into a bloofy mess, it'll make your prep easier

Drugs will be a factor but not as much as your diet, and training...good luck!
Thanks fellas...I'm gonna role with Test,Decca and Tbol hoping the HGH and airmdex keeps the water down. I know the diet is also key to keeping water down. I hope the proviron had my libido nice and strong. Dose wise I think I'll go 750
Test 400 Decca and 20-40mg tbol how does that look. Don't want Decca dick so I might have to keep the Decca that low.
Thanks fellas...I'm gonna role with Test,Decca and Tbol hoping the HGH and airmdex keeps the water down. I know the diet is also key to keeping water down. I hope the proviron had my libido nice and strong. Dose wise I think I'll go 750
Test 400 Decca and 20-40mg tbol how does that look. Don't want Decca dick so I might have to keep the Decca that low.

Get some prami or caber to help with the deca sides. Should keep your member working just fine.
Thanks fellas...I'm gonna role with Test,Decca and Tbol hoping the HGH and airmdex keeps the water down. I know the diet is also key to keeping water down. I hope the proviron had my libido nice and strong. Dose wise I think I'll go 750
Test 400 Decca and 20-40mg tbol how does that look. Don't want Decca dick so I might have to keep the Decca that low.

prami or cabergoline helps with elevated prolactin which leads to decadick. keeping estrogen down helps keep prolactin down as well.
anytime i run tren or deca (19 nors) I have prami on hand