Cycle for a strength-trained athlete


New member
Hi ya'll.

I'm a strength trained athlete looking to continue my lean-out (goal = mid-single digits by fall), add strength, and add as much lean mass as possible.

I won't lie: lean size is somewhat of an important consideration for this cycle; not so much for aesthetics, but I am looking to add as much as possible to my lower body frame... don't care at all about upper body size progression in this cycle.

That being said, I primarily train for strength. So any cycle I run must FIRST AND FOREMOST preserve my tendon integrity... I must avoid any cycle that fails to take that into account.

Thus, to this end, I am exploring two separate routes.

1) 8 wks, Test prop @ 200/wk, Anavar (var) @ 80-100/wk.
- Currently I find this to be the more appropriate route, since I am more knowledgable about the involved gear. The high-dose Anavar (var) is to promote gains in strength, lean mass, and tendon strength; essentially, I'd only be running the test as a support to my oral usage, @ a TRT-type dose to maintain healthy testosterone levels in my body. I have read that any higher will compromise my collagen integrity, which is A RISK THAT I MUST AVOID BY ALL MEANS.

2) 12 wks, Test E 500/wk + GHRP (or some other peptide to promote collagen strength)
- I'm not very knowledgable at all about peptides, but I read that GH similar gear all bolster tendon strength. Although I would like to avoid peptide products, what with this being my first cycle, the size gains that test @ 500 would offer me make this cycle VERY appealing for me (and I am sure the strength gains would be comparable as well).

Input, please!
24 years old

hey brother,

at your age your test levels should still be very high, so you should be careful not to shut down your natural test levels. this your first cycle?

194lbs, 10% bf. how tall are you? that's pretty low body fat to be comfortable walking around at. you sure that's accurate?

regardless, you will want to run a test base no matter if you throw in another drug or not. at your age though, depending on whether this is your first cycle or not(you will be told test only on this site if it is your first cycle)which I agree with.
assuming it is not, or you choose not to heed that advice, I would recommend you look at equipoise as opposed to anavar. I hate orals as they are very hard on the liver, system in general. eq is known for lean gains, most likely between 5-10lbs max in my experience, muscle hardness, tightness. it can be pinned once a week, whereas the test should be broken into 2 shots per week to maintain levels, for 500mg total for week. that would be test enanthate, but propionate is a different story. requires more frequent pinning.
anyway, anavar is a good drug for an oral, but is very expensive on the market right now, and eq would most likely show better results, which I might add, tend to be mostly kept after cycle is over. about 400mg eq a week would be good. keep in mind that this is not your first cycle, as I will get roasted for giving you this advice if it is your first
read up on eq when you get a chance, as it may intrigue you. hope this helps a little.
keep in mind that your diet and cardio will be of utmost importance to your success on cycle.
hope this helps.....