cycle help


New member
Hey guys, first off let me say that i have done 2 other previous cycles and i understand the risks involved in doing so. I want to do a cutting cycle so i decided to go with Hdrol. I just have a few questions with my post cycle therapy (pct).

Age: 22 in a few weeks
Past cycles: Xtreme Tren and M-drol
Lifting Experience: I have been lifting for roughly 6 years and lifting hardcore for about 3 yrs.
Weight: 201
Height: 6'3"
BF: 14%
Bench: 335x1
Squat: Unknown (bad knees)

After alot of research on what PH i wanted to do i picked H-drol because its sides seem to be alot less than others. Heres what my cycle consists of.

-Dosage: 75/100/100/100/100/100..Is this ok for dosage or should i do 50/75/75/75/75/75??
-Milk thistle 1000mg: (1am, 1pm)
-Omega 3 1000mg: (1am, 1pm)
-Opti men Vitamin: (1 am, 1 pm)
-Animal Flex joint support

post cycle therapy (pct) (NOTE: I have nolva on deck incase but i would prefer otc)
-Formadrol Extreme 4/3/2/1
-Milk thistle 1000mg (1am, 1pm)
-Omega 3 1000mg: (1am, 1pm)
-Opti men Vitamin: (1 am, 1 pm)

Now this is where i have a question, after my research i have pretty much seen that most people dont think H-Drol is strong enough to use nolva and that it would be overkill, and formadrol extreme would be fine as a otc post cycle therapy (pct). Is this true? i would rather stick with a otc post cycle therapy (pct) such as formadrol and have the nolva on deck incase anything comes up. Also is my dosage too high or is it fine? Thanks yall
201 lbs w/ 14% bf at 6'3" with 6 years of lifting & 2 past PH cycles? What's your diet like man? Not trying to hate, just wondering.
201 lbs w/ 14% bf at 6'3" with 6 years of lifting & 2 past PH cycles? What's your diet like man? Not trying to hate, just wondering.

well i have only been back lifting for roughly 5 months cause i was seriously injured and couldnt lift for nearly a year, so i lost all my gains from the previous cycles. My diet is very clean cosisting of egg whites in the morning with toast, chicken throughout the day, tuna, salad etc.. i dont eat fast food or junk cause i dont like the taste of it, i dont drink alcohol or drink soda either

here is a current picture of me
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honestly... I would drop the formadrol and just use the nolva .... its cheap if you get it a certain way (if not cheaper than the above mentioned post cycle therapy (pct) method) and you know you will be safe .. just my Opinion
Well your still a bit young. But anywho you should concentrate on your diet and lifting before you do anything. You want the best possible frame to build on . If I were you I'd wait and concentrate on getting your shit together first. It's the best way to approach a cycle considering you've been back lifting for 5 months.
honestly... I would drop the formadrol and just use the nolva .... its cheap if you get it a certain way (if not cheaper than the above mentioned post cycle therapy (pct) method) and you know you will be safe .. just my Opinion

I have a few bottles of the formadrol laying around so I wanted to use those but ya that's pretty much what I was thinking. now on my hdrol dosage, is that too high or is that ok?
well i have only been back lifting for roughly 5 months cause i was seriously injured and couldnt lift for nearly a year, so i lost all my gains from the previous cycles. My diet is very clean cosisting of egg whites in the morning with toast, chicken throughout the day, tuna, salad etc.. i dont eat fast food or junk cause i dont like the taste of it, i dont drink alcohol or drink soda either

here is a current picture of me
it doesn't really matter how clean you eat if your not eating enough it doesn't mean shit. See 3j in the diet section and get your diet in check and workout for another 6 months
it doesn't really matter how clean you eat if your not eating enough it doesn't mean shit. See 3j in the diet section and get your diet in check and workout for another 6 months

i do eat alot throughout the day, and on top of that i have 2-3 protein shakes. I was taking UP Your Mass but i just switched to(Whey Isolate and Casein). You seem like the most knowledgeable person here so far, is my dosage for hdrol ok? 75/100/100/100/100/100
hdrol isn't going to get you where you wanna go.. your diet is.. 80% of your success is your diet... u dont necessarily need hdrol or even steroids to gain the muscle your looking for.. u need a kick ass diet
i do eat alot throughout the day, and on top of that i have 2-3 protein shakes.

Sorry to just bust your balls and disappear man - makes a lot more sense now (the injury and being back at it for 5 mos). I've never messed with hdrol so I won't even try to critique your dosage but I will say 3 shakes in a day is a bit much - I'd try to replace 1-2 of those shakes with real food - just my opinion.

hdrol isn't going to get you where you wanna go.. your diet is.. 80% of your success is your diet... u dont necessarily need hdrol or even steroids to gain the muscle your looking for.. u need a kick ass diet

That^^^ and if you've looked around the board even a little, you know 3J is the man to talk diet, so I'd listen :D

Best of luck man - let us know how you progress