cycle is done!

the only way ill beleave you can bench 250lbs is if you post a video, prove me wrong!

250lbs is no big deal, would that really even impress you if he posted a video of that? I wouldn't even brag about having a 250lb bench unless I weighed 135lbs.
250lbs is no big deal, would that really even impress you if he posted a video of that? I wouldn't even brag about having a 250lb bench unless I weighed 135lbs.

it would be impressive looking what he looks like. i think it would be amazing to me actually. lol
LMFAO!!!! i was locked up for a little bit. got into a little trouble... AGAIN, yeah i know blah blah blah your an idiot. whatever.

LMAO i think this is hilarious how its all shit talking in here. i dont take things to heart so it dont bother me. i think this is just hilarious. and for a shoulder flare up, also if you didnt read other threads, i had a complete 100% rotator cuff reconstruction, with a front and rear laebrum reattachment. with 3 wonderful titanium rods in my shoulder socket, any other questions on why i would have a flare up? if you never had the injury you wouldnt know what pain you go through with it.. if you were around to rip on my other threads you would have seen how other people were ripping on me for drinking, and i was taking pain killers and anti-inflammatory's. thats how i put up with the pain. being unable to feel anything. am i proud of it? NO. am i happy i did it? NO. but do i honestly care what you people think? absolutely not.

i have no reason to lie. let alone i have more dignity in myself then to even put myself in that position.