cycle length on Cypionate


New member
Ok boyz currently on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) but supplmenting my dosage. 600mg a week. how long is too long of a cycle? seemed like my body just wanted to quit last cycle at around 16 weeks. now im 15 weeks into my next one and i couldnt feel better. should i go longer? how long do you guys go. i have heard that some guys stay on all year, whats up with that???
thanks again!!!
thanks stone! your advice is always needed and much appriciated! what do you think about stacking about 200mg of Deca with the cyp next time? i heard they work well together. could i even drop the cyp dosage some if i stacked the two??
thanks stone! so do you think that will yield better than the 600mg of cyp alone?? and btw i love the avaiter!!
i havent heard or read anyone who have been doing 16 weeks of testo. Normally ppl shoot up for 12 weeks. But if you dont have any sidies, why stop.
16 weeks sounds long in my ears. That is like 4 months
My cycles are never longer than 10 weeks (12 if I use boldenone) so 16 weeks on testo looks very long to me.
I'm curious like DTOX: how were your gains? And are you still gaining?
hey guys thanks for the reply!!
as far as gains go YES im still making them. you will really become a believer in the power of food on the long cycles. at about 10 to 12 weeks you notice the sudden effects of the Cyp tapering but just eat a little more and WHAM you grow like crazy. i do the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 1/4cc on SAT and SUN if im able to (schedule permitting) starting at about week 4 or 5. i have also noticed that since i starting using L-Dex that my body doest really "complain" since i dont have the water and the added high blood pressure . my last shot was last THRU and im coming off now. i will use my left over Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) post cycle and NOLVA along with it. so far i have gained between 20 and 25 pounds a cycle and have only lost about 5lbs when coming off. have not had my B/F checked but i have lost the "gut" completely and added the muscle i sure wish i could afford the ANAVAR but it is super pricey!!!