Cycle progress update


New member
Hey guys , im 5'7" , been training 3 years straight hard , and im on my first test e cycle 500mg / week . i wasnt sure that my gear iwas real for a while but now i have no doubt . im in week 5 and its kickin in hard . started cycle at 195 , and im at 207 right now . Getting such beastly strength increases and not stop power to keep pushing . already crushing records and feel like an animal lol . just started to run my aml for the next 5 weeks too . already added alot of weigth on my lifts and repping alot more than as well . have alittle bit of acne on my shoulders and atrophy , looking forward to the upcoming weeks , im already starting to feel like i look a bit suspect in the gym lol just thought id share , and will post before and after pics when im finaly done :Pump:
That what's up fancy! I had seen u stressing about whether your was legit. I'm on week 2 of my test e/ Dbol cycle as well.