Cycle tracking


Community Veteran
Hey last thread was deleted cause of some dumb posts, we will try this one more time

Cycle: prosum labs
Test C- 750mg/week
Deca- 600mg/week
EQ- 300mg/week

Been on test and deca since January. Upped the dose slightly.

Trying out a newer Canadian ugl. Prosum. Just going to give an honest review.
Just finished my second week, strength up a little

230, 10-12% bf, goal is to eat anything and eveything and bulk (cleanly)
Height 5'10 to 6 on a good day :)

I've taken more or less anything and everything out there. Will ride this til summe time, no exact time line
isnt that low for eq?

Everyones different, people say the sweet spot for EQ is 600mg. Not me, I have ran low doses before and have grown nicely off 300mg EQ and a low dose test cycle, it will get me where I want to be.

I will get the hunger from EQ off that low dose, and will see the benfits from it.
My friend is taking test and deca right now for 10 weeks.. What is the benefit of adding EQ?

I would personally have him up it minimum to 12 weeks, for the deca longer half life.

Ive always loved what deca and eq does for me. the combination of the two just has always been a favorite. I have come to this just by trial and error. Somethings I completely stay away from, ie all oral steroids more or less, mast, etc.

youll know after years and years in the darkside what works for you
After this week it will be 3 weeks. Workouts are better. Strength is up no doubt. Hitting extra reps that I haven't before even without a spot. Haven't weighed myself but by the mirror, I seem to be changing, some filling out
Legs on sat. Very good lift. Squats, leg press, ham curls, etc

Legs are stronger. Sitting same roughly on scale
chest and tricep day. Bench did 4 plates for reps no spot. Incline dumbbells, pec deck. Finished off with triceps. Hitting more reps on some of my heavy lifts, looking forward to this week and having my training partner back
Mr BMJ good to see you brother!!!

Have had a lay off the last 3 days. Personal stress.

Traps are looking very thick. Can't wait to get my ass to the gym friday!!
Weighed myself. Up 5 lbs

Lifted shoulders yesterday. More reps with the heavy weights. Felt very strong on dumbbell press
Lifted arms today which is rare, not an arm only kind of guy

Visibly bigger. Very big pumps. Heavy lifts. Libido is on fire. Stuff is accurately dosed and working just fine.

Still up, 6 lbs on today's date.
Sorry I'm not the best at keeping updates. Very good lift today. Chest and tris. Deca is definitely good to go. Joints feel good especially on those heavier lifts that would make the elbows feel brittle.