Cycling advice testo+deca+dianabol, susta+maestron+tren


New member
Hello guys
Im planning to run a cycle i need some advices and reviews
Gona run dianabol for a month
30/40/50 mg/d

Then starting with 500mg/w testo E with 400mg deca (first 2 weeks then going up to 600mg/w of deca) for 10 weeks
After the 5th week im gona substitute testo e with testobolin 325 which contains 5 types of testo ( acetate, prop, phenylphropionate, decanonate and cypionate) 2ml/w 650mg
Arimidex eod

Then after that sustanon 250 3ml/week maestron 2ml/week
Tren A 3ml/week for about 3weeks
Anavar 30/40/40mg/day

Pct: hcg 5000 week for a month
Clomid 100/50/50/50
Arimidex ed

Mixed feelings about nolvadex because of the tren.
Thinking about adding T3 while using tren.
arimidex for pct? dbol cycle before starting a test cycle??? Holy guacamole!! Please stop everything your doing before you cause permanent damage to yourself.
Plesse read the beginners cycle thread stickys at the top of the forums to learn how to do a proper first cycle and feel free to keep asking away here to make sure you do it right.

We also need your stats, age, weight, height, bf%. Have you done any bloodworks to check your levels at any point? what is your cycle history?
There is so much wrong with this cycle it's scary. What is your cycle history? Age?
Dbol BEFORE you start Test? What's the logic here?
HCG should never be used for PCT. You're mixing way too many compounds. Read the beginner cycle sticky and scrap this cycle for your own safety and health.
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This cycle makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. You are planning to use long esters and are tapering them all over the place. There is no point in doing any of this! I don't even know where to begin with this. It's too all over the place.
So basically i got no real advice but criticism. Tell me where are the mistakes.
Using dianabol is recommended everywhere as a kick start for a testo deca cycle
So basically i got no real advice but criticism. Tell me where are the mistakes.
Using dianabol is recommended everywhere as a kick start for a testo deca cycle

wheres your head??? you got top members telling you how fucked up your cycle idea is and you still have no idea what your doing and have the audacity to say you read everywhere that dbol before a cycle?

you got all the real critisism your ever going to get from people who know their shit.
by all means do your cycle and keep us posted.
Yea dbol is ok for a kick start. You are wanting to run it by itself. No good.
You want to use long esters for a few weeks at a time. No good.

Your best bet would be to use test e or cyp for 12 weeks. Use dbol the first 4 weeks with test as a kicker if you want. Get an ai, hcg, pct and bloodwork. That's it. It's all outlined in the beginner cycle stickys.

There's absolutely no flippin way you are capable or knowledgeable enough to do a more advanced cycle than a beginner one especially posting the complete nonsense and ignorant plan of a cycle that you did. Nobody in their right mind would do that cycle! Nobody!!! You are sure to have the worst sides possible with a cycle like that. A big waste of time and gear. Probably am wasting my time posting this advice...
So I guess you are serious. Sorry this was so poor it seemed like a troll. I'll put some comments below so you can check things out for yourself.

Gona run dianabol for a month
30/40/50 mg/d - sounds like you are running dbol by itself. You should always run things with a test base since you will shut yourself down. If you let your test crash some aspects of your maleness will stop working and you won't get good results.

Then starting with 500mg/w testo E with 400mg deca (first 2 weeks then going up to 600mg/w of deca) for 10 weeks - Why would you pyramid up a super long ester like deca? If anything that's backwards, there is some benefit to front loading but zero to pyramiding. If you plotted the blood levels you'd see what I'm talking about.

After the 5th week im gona substitute testo e with testobolin 325 which contains 5 types of testo ( acetate, prop, phenylphropionate, decanonate and cypionate) 2ml/w 650mg - Why would you do that? What advantage do you see? One of the hardest things we do it figure out how much AI is needed for a particular cycle, and you've got blood levels constantly changing then you change the test type, which means you have zero chance of figuring out how to manage estrogen properly. This is why we say first cycle is test only, same ester throughout, and you take a baseline of AI and calibrate if you need more or less based on mid cycle testing.

Arimidex eod - how much???

Then after that sustanon 250 3ml/week maestron 2ml/week - why switch test yet again??? It's like you picked up random bottles for sale and are trying to make it work. Why masteron? What do you hope to get out of it, and assuming 100 mg/ml for prop why only 200 mg/wk?

Tren A 3ml/week for about 3weeks - assuming this is your first cycle this is a mistake. Not needed at all and will greatly complicate efforts to keep sides at bay.

Anavar 30/40/40mg/day - not needed. At some later date when you know what you are doing and get jacked and get your body fat below 10% then you can think about a test, tren, mast, anavar cycle. Right now totally not needed.

Pct: hcg 5000 week for a month - what does this mean? What weekly dosage and how many shots per week? You should take HCG on cycle and in the gap after last pin and start of PCT. NOT in PCT itself or you will screw up your effort to restart

Clomid 100/50/50/50 - fine, but how long you gonna wait after last pin? Why? Is your duration based on type of ester and dosage or a guess?

Arimidex ed - not during PCT

Mixed feelings about nolvadex because of the tren. - drop the tren and use nolva at same time as clomid

Thinking about adding T3 while using tren. - why??? I'm guessing to burn some fat. Shouldn't need this at all, and you should read up on dosages and how to use.
Stats and cycle history will help people to give you accurate advice. Lots of compounds and dosage switching going on bro. Please explain the logic. Dbol before starting the test?!? Kickstart would be starting at the same time. Perhaps I misread something.
Anyway.....age, cycle experience and basic stats.
Good luck bro
yea this is all over the place... is this your first cycle??

can you put the cycle is time format

for example

1-12 test e 500mg

1-6 tren a 400mg

and so on
So basically i got no real advice but criticism. Tell me where are the mistakes.
Using dianabol is recommended everywhere as a kick start for a testo deca cycle

For a kickstart yes; logic being test-e takes about 4 weeks to fully kick in, so using dbol for 4 weeks at the start of a cycle you'll start seeing results right away. You are talking about using it for a month BEFORE starting test-e. That would negate the point of a kick start. Orals shouldn't be ran by themselves. You're actually getting a lot of great advice from everyone, we've all had a lot of experience and want to keep you and others safe.
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OP......did you leave us. Please post back before starting anything. You need a lot of help on this. Stats and history. Thwn these guys can give you a map to what you're trying to achieve. It's clear that without that you are lost.
Please get back to us. Best of luck bro.....hope to hear from you soon