Cycling for beginners :-A guide to safe androgen use

If this is your first proper cycle follow the protocol mentioned add and remove nothing

my broblem is that I have already bought the danabol ds befor even I knew how to use it(that's my fault)and dbol only cycle is a waste so if I staked the dbol with the cycle may be for the first 4 weeks only should I then raise the aromasin dosage???I just read that the dbol only cycles are wrong and u have to bring test as abase in any cycle,, another question do i take 1000 hcg in last ten days of cycle every day example (sunday 1000 hcg then Monday 1000 hcg ..etc till ten days)after i was running it as 500 aweek in the cycle and what about proscar should i take it for the hair among the cycle? and if i take it will it have an effect on the hcg or the aromasin...i just want to have acycle without side effects espicialy the aromatising problems...sorry another stupid question how i delete a post i press the edit post but i donot find any delete key in it
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got a general questions for ya

Nightmare007, hey how many of each vial and pills do I get to run the whole cycle so I know exactly how much to get so I don't fuck up and not get enough of everything? Let me know bro..thanks, Matt
my broblem is that I have already bought the danabol ds befor even I knew how to use it(that's my fault)and dbol only cycle is a waste so if I staked the dbol with the cycle may be for the first 4 weeks only should I then raise the aromasin dosage???I just read that the dbol only cycles are wrong and u have to bring test as abase in any cycle,, another question do i take 1000 hcg in last ten days of cycle every day example (sunday 1000 hcg then Monday 1000 hcg ..etc till ten days)after i was running it as 500 aweek in the cycle and what about proscar should i take it for the hair among the cycle? and if i take it will it have an effect on the hcg or the aromasin...i just want to have acycle without side effects espicialy the aromatising problems...sorry another stupid question how i delete a post i press the edit post but i donot find any delete key in it

Keep the dbol for a later cycle and finasterside is only if you're prone to mpb
Keep the dbol for a later cycle and finasterside is only if you're prone to mpb

acne is also one of the biggest problems ,,what should I take for it ?? or since I had an anti aromatise it will make acne donot appear,and if I discontinued the anti aromatise ,the steroids I had taken will aromatise again either from test or hcg. here nolva in the pct act as the defender.right?? so this means that the test will aromatise but I just delay its aromatization till the end of I right or it is awrong theory?some researches said that arimidex when discontinued will make what ever the kind of steroids u had in the cycle aromatise(only steroids that already aromatise like test or dica)...
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That depends on your source
Ok so I will literally be a first timer at this, I don't know how long a 5ml vial lasts, and I've read a lot good reviews on dragon pharma and gen shi, give some sort of idea...thanks.oh and I will have a lot of I guess dumb rookie questions along the way so I don't fuck up and get tities ya know..
Ok so I will literally be a first timer at this, I don't know how long a 5ml vial lasts, and I've read a lot good reviews on dragon pharma and gen shi, give some sort of idea...thanks.oh and I will have a lot of I guess dumb rookie questions along the way so I don't fuck up and get tities ya know..
That depends on the dose in the vials most ugl dose it @ 250mg/ml so you'll be using 2ml a week so get a calculator and do the math
acne is also one of the biggest problems ,,what should I take for it ?? or since I had an anti aromatise it will make acne donot appear,and if I discontinued the anti aromatise ,the steroids I had taken will aromatise again either from test or hcg. here nolva in the pct act as the defender.right?? so this means that the test will aromatise but I just delay its aromatization till the end of I right or it is awrong theory?some researches said that arimidex when discontinued will make what ever the kind of steroids u had in the cycle aromatise(only steroids that already aromatise like test or dica)...

Deca doesn't aromatise and be a little more clear in your questioning I'm having trouble understanding it
And acne depends on your hygiene habits
Let's start
Testosterone ethanate 500mg per week(250mg on Monday and 250 mg on Thursday ) for 12 weeks
Exemestane 12.5mg everyday 15 weeks
Hcg 500iu per week(250iu along with testosterone injection) 12 weeks
Hcg 1000iu everyday for the last 10 days of your cycle leading up to your pct

Now after your last shot you need to wait for 2.5 weeks to let the testosterone clear out of your system before you start the most important part of your cycle THE POST CYCLE THERAPY or PCT for short .The quality of you pct is what determines how much of your new muscle will stay with you provided you eat rite and train hard

Clomafene Citrate 50mg everyday for 4 weeks
Tamoxifen citrate 40mg every day 2 weeks followed by 20mg everyday for 2 weeks

Now 3 weeks after your pct get your blood work done again to see how well your recovery is going by comparing you hormonal levels to the work you had done pre cycle

Good luck all you newbies.May this be the beginning of many successful cycles!-your friend nightmare

Well at first a big hello in the family and a big thank you to Nightmare007 for this guide. I´ve been reading for several months now and i decided to start my first cycle.

I still have questions and i hope u guys can help me answering these.

Was thinking about going for nightmares guide-cycle- but summed up for myself now.

week 1-12: test e 500 mg/week (mo morning 250mg/thursday evening 250mg) - no question here

week 1-12: Hcg 500iu per week(250iu along with testosterone injection) 12 weeks - in week 10,5 (10 days before the last shot) i would raise my hcg to 1000 iu per day. - Q: I read like 20 articles about hcg, including guides and stuff and many people say start from day 1, others say start from week 4 and go till week 15, basically 1 day before your pct starts, other say 12 weeks - like here. im a bit confused now about the dosage? why is the input of 1000 ius so important in the end of the 10 days? again a huge number of thread say : stay stable with the 500 / week.... :O

week 1-14: Arimidex .5 mg Eod - Question here: Again, many different reads already. Many say use Adex till week 12, others say for 10 weeks, others for 14 weeks till 1 day before your pct starts. again im asking why and how to do it properly?

week 1-8: anavar/oxa 50mg / day split in 2 dosages (25 mg in the morning, 25 mg 8 hours later till the half life of the substance) - Q: Is it better to run the anavar at the end of the cycle, so basically 4-12 or 1-8? and even more important - why?

week 15-18: pct: Clomafene Citrate 50mg everyday for 4 weeks, Tamoxifen citrate 40mg every day 2 weeks followed by 20mg everyday for 2 weeks - Q: i saw people pyramiding those 2 compounds and not quite sure wheter i should stable with the dosage or stick to those informations.

Overall question: nightmares guide refers to test e only cycle, but i put in another compound in it (var) - therefore should i raise the dosage of the other medications by the fact that there is a second compound given here? ( meaning hcg, adex, clomid, nolva)
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Well at first a big hello in the family and a big thank you to Nightmare007 for this guide. I´ve been reading for several months now and i decided to start my first cycle.

I still have questions and i hope u guys can help me answering these.

Was thinking about going for nightmares guide-cycle- but summed up for myself now.

week 1-12: test e 500 mg/week (mo morning 250mg/thursday evening 250mg) - no question here

week 1-12: Hcg 500iu per week(250iu along with testosterone injection) 12 weeks - in week 10,5 (10 days before the last shot) i would raise my hcg to 1000 iu per day. - Q: I read like 20 articles about hcg, including guides and stuff and many people say start from day 1, others say start from week 4 and go till week 15, basically 1 day before your pct starts, other say 12 weeks - like here. im a bit confused now about the dosage? why is the input of 1000 ius so important in the end of the 10 days? again a huge number of thread say : stay stable with the 500 / week.... :O

week 1-14: Arimidex .5 mg Eod - Question here: Again, many different reads already. Many say use Adex till week 12, others say for 10 weeks, others for 14 weeks till 1 day before your pct starts. again im asking why and how to do it properly?

week 1-8: anavar/oxa 50mg / day split in 2 dosages (25 mg in the morning, 25 mg 8 hours later till the half life of the substance) - Q: Is it better to run the anavar at the end of the cycle, so basically 4-12 or 1-8? and even more important - why?

week 15-18: pct: Clomafene Citrate 50mg everyday for 4 weeks, Tamoxifen citrate 40mg every day 2 weeks followed by 20mg everyday for 2 weeks - Q: i saw people pyramiding those 2 compounds and not quite sure wheter i should stable with the dosage or stick to those informations.

Overall question: nightmares guide refers to test e only cycle, but i put in another compound in it (var) - therefore should i raise the dosage of the other medications by the fact that there is a second compound given here? ( meaning hcg, adex, clomid, nolva)

Stick to the protocols mentioned bro tried and true
Hcg starts from day 1 because shutdown starts from day 1
The 1000ius is for 10 days before your pct not last shot it's basically a kick start for your Htpa
I'd recommend aromasin over adex
No var stick to test only
Overuse of hcg ie too much can shut down longer
Stick to the protocols mentioned bro tried and true
Hcg starts from day 1 because shutdown starts from day 1
The 1000ius is for 10 days before your pct not last shot it's basically a kick start for your Htpa
I'd recommend aromasin over adex
No var stick to test only
Overuse of hcg ie too much can shut down longer

Something like this sir?

Week 1-12: Testosterone ethanate 500mg per week(250mg on Monday, 250 mg on Thursday evening )
Week 1-12: HCG 500iu per week(250iu along with testosterone injection)
Week 1-15: Aromasin 12.5mg everyday
Week 13-14,5: HCG 1000iu everyday
Week 14,5-18,5: Clomafene Citrate 50mg everyday, Tamoxifen citrate 40mg every day 2 weeks followed by 20mg everyday for 2 weeks

Thank you for your answer and for your guidiance Nightmare! So much help. Rly appreciate
Something like this sir?

Week 1-12: Testosterone ethanate 500mg per week(250mg on Monday, 250 mg on Thursday evening )
Week 1-12: HCG 500iu per week(250iu along with testosterone injection)
Week 1-15: Aromasin 12.5mg everyday
Week 13-14,5: HCG 1000iu everyday
Week 14,5-18,5: Clomafene Citrate 50mg everyday, Tamoxifen citrate 40mg every day 2 weeks followed by 20mg everyday for 2 weeks

Thank you for your answer and for your guidiance Nightmare! So much help. Rly appreciate

You got it bro
So exemestane should be run instead of arimidex? Or run arimidex on cycle and exemestane along with nolva & clomid for pct?

Arimidex and aromasin are both very good AI's to use while running a cycle. Arimidex is often cheaper. Can't go wrong with either of them.